Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The "MainStreamMedia"

You may have heard from various sources that our so-called "MainStreamMedia" is slanted toward the "Left."  As in "Liberal." 

That they are in the camp of the Democrat National Committee, performing nominally as their "Media Arm," refusing to report any story that might compromise the O'Biden* Agenda (whatever that is).  So you routinely get smarmy, gauzy, wispy feel-good stuff from the Associated Press, and the Washington Post (Amazon's official newspaper), "Alphabets" (ABC, CBS, NBC), and all but a couple of cable TV news channels.  

If that's true, as many proclaim (including moi), that the "Press" is biased, one must ask, "Why?"  Why would that be the case?  Well, fellow Pilgrim, I'm here to offer up a few possible answers.

Take a look at journalists.  They tell us they went to journo school to "help people," mainly.  To help the downtrodden by reporting on all the savage reality that confronts our oft cruel society today.  And to thereby help uplift them.  To better their lot in life by simply shining the "bright light of truth" on their stark situation.  In short, since they know that reporters make bupkus at the pay window, they are filled to the brim with the milk of human kindness, and they intend to use their craft for advocacy.  In spite of its inherently low pay.  To slant the news Left, in other words.  By their own lips...

Think about it: the folks who are teaching our young crop of journalists were dope-smoking, tie-died-wearing, summer-of-love hippies back in 1969.  They were trying to change the world back then, and they're STILL trying to change it via their teaching.  

Have you ever met a rich reporter?  Not the Woodstein and Bernwards, I mean your average, every day beat reporter for your Great Metropolitan Newspaper.  Or your local TV affiliate.  They're making maybe $45,000 to start.  Even a seasoned print reporter seldom cracks six figures.  And considering where most of them live (i.e., big cities), good luck in affording an apartment.

Which makes them even more pissed!  Pissed at a system that won't even permit them to earn a decent living after accumulating $Mountains of student loans while only choosing this career to advocate for those less fortunate.  

And have you heard of a journalist or a reporter starting a company?  A business of any kind?  With the exception of Rupert Murdock?  No, you haven't.  They are the antithesis of entrepreneurial.  They're the epitome of worker bees, just toiling away, turning over rocks, looking for blockbuster stories, trying to put "The Man" in prison.  Whoever the "man" might be at the time.  Loathing "climate change," loving Big Gummint, hating on guns, hoping others will have to pay more in taxes while saving for an electric car.  

And damn few of them ever even aspire to managerial positions.  Primarily, I would offer, because they're not qualified.  They just want to earn a living wage, like every other good socialism-spewing capitalist.  And most of them don't.  

As I said, pissed.  And then tend to take it out on those who "have," seeing themselves as the "have nots."  In fact, no matter what degree of success they ever achieve, they always identify with the poor and downtrodden of our society.  I guess in some ways that's good.  But as far as it colors their opinions and reportage against the successful, it isn't...       

See now why Donald Trump was such an ogre?  See now why they were at his throat from the beginning, and still are?  See why they've been dogging his every step since his daddy helped him buy his first hotel?  They see him as the "Massa."  The owner of the Plantation, metaphorically whipping his millions of unfortunate slaves into submission.  Like those Border Cowboys did(n't) to those Haitian migrants (illegal aliens) the other day.  Doubt me?  Go to MSNBC's and CNN's websites.  Chances are that the first two or three stories every single day are always about Trump.  Still.  Even to this day.  Why he was so bad, how he almost ruined America, and why he's going to be brought to justice.  

For what, they don't care.  Anything.  I think they'd even be willing to settle for an income tax beef, like the one that brought down Al Capone.  They are ravenous.  And unscrupulous.  And they feel vindicated in being so, as to them... 

...the end always justifies the means.

*  O'Biden refers to the fact that good ol' Joe carried water for B. Hussein Obama for eight years, and it seems he's STILL trying to emulate his agenda.   

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