Sunday, October 31, 2021

A Tithe to the God of Climate...

First of all, I'd like to disabuse my tens of rabid readers of the notion that my toned physique is in any way related to the use of contraband steroids or other performance-enhancing pharmaceuticals.  Just in case anyone was asking...

Now then, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints require that their members tithe not less than 10% of their gross annual income.  That's how they pay for all those big white temples.

And no shade thrown at the Mormons.  Tithing is a well-respected way of churches raising money.  Notice I emphasize, "churches."  Who ask their adherents to pony up contributions.  Voluntary contributions.  Without coercion, of any kind.  

"Tithe" is an olde-timey word, on the other hand, that means "We're confiscating a percentage of your wealth to pay for our little projects.  You don't mind, do you?"  Just so you know.

And members of the United States of America Club pay a tithe far greater than do the Mormons.  Oh yes, fellow Pilgrims, those Club Members pay an increased tithe of as much as 30 - 40% every they visit their Energy Place these days.  From an average of $2.14 a gallon a year ago, we're averaging $3.41 a gallon now, and in some places it's double that!  And I, The Chuckmeister, live in one of "those places."  Along with 17% of our population.  Where gas just hit $8.59 a gallon in one obviously blighted place.

So every time our Club members fill up they're throwing an extra $10 or $20 or even $30 extra hard-earned dollars at the Great God of Wind and Solar.  Involuntarily.  He lives in the Church of Climate Change.  That's where our "Progressives" go to pray.  It's across the street from AOC's house.  He's a hungry devil, that guy.  He's got to have our extra gas $Bucks to build those big, shiny "cathedrals" to Big Gummint in Downtown D.C.

Now, it must be stated that we Club Members had no hand in choosing our new, official State Religion.  Nobody asked us.  For they knew the answer they'd get, I'm guessing.  And it wouldn't have been the one they wanted.  It was chosen for us by those nice zealots who have a 50 - 50 split in the Senate and a bare plus-5 Representative margin in the House.  The smallest governing margin in more than 160 years!  Which they view as an Overwhelming Mandate.  A Mandate to change our entire way of life.  Our entire existence.  

Even a day or so ago O'Biden mumbled in a speech somebody else wrote that "...We will be operating all carbon-free vehicles by the year 2030!"  So that means he's planning to take some 200 million gas-powered cars off the road in the next eight years.  Cars our citizens have paid for.  And stop manufacturing them.  When only 2% of our population now drives electric cars.  Probably the same 2% who'll be picked clean by the next tax-grab policies they're now trying to pass. 

There are few good things I can think of about growing old.  Except for one really, really big one that comes to mind right about now after reading the stuff I just wrote.  I won't be around to have to witness the massive disruption and poverty and carnage that our society will be subjected to over the coming years.  And I sure as Hell won't have to pay for it, either.

Lucky me...  

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