Wednesday, October 6, 2021

$Three and One-Half Trillion Dollars...

A highly-placed Democrat operative said the quiet part out loud on Sunday morning TV.

Yep, White House Senior Advisor Sedrick Richmond, from Taxifornia's S.V. (Socialist Valley), said on cable TV last Sunday that he had no idea where that magic $3.5 Trillion Dollar number came from that appears at the top of the "Build Back Better" legislation O'Biden and his Sycophants want so desperately to pass.

No, he says the usual way is to dream up a bunch of programs, like free college for everyone, then figure out what they might cost over 10 years, total it all up and then try and pass that number.  

With this one?  No, somebody, somewhere, most likely in a basement in Cinncinnannannatti, in his 'jammies, drinking his Ovaltine, said hey, "Why don't we see if we can get $3.5 Trillion?"  And they rest of them in the meeting must have said, "Hey, what a great idea!"

Well, fellow Pilgrim, Richmond was right.  That dimbulb in Cinncinnannannannatti proved to us that there's not a whit of economic sensibility (or desire to acquire any!) in the entire Democrat Party.  Else they wouldn't be trying to bankrupt America.  And turn it into Amerika...

Remember, as the famous economists Frederick von Hayek once said, "Socialists don't know anything about economics.  If they did, they wouldn't be socialists."

An example would be the cost of giving Air Jordans to every inner-city Black kid in Philadelphia, if their mommies and daddies would just vote Democrat.  Or, more likely, keep on voting Democrat.  So, you'd take $269 per pair, times a million Black kids, and you've got your number.  A number that largesse would cost.  The taxpayers.  Not THEM, the taxpayers.  Got it?

So I thought I'd figure out just how much money $3.5 Trillion Dollars is, and what it could buy for us.*  Here's a short list...

     -  It could buy us all brand-new Mustang convertibles, with all the options.  But the backup cameras, that is...

     -  It could not only send us on a cruise, it could buy us all cruise lines!  What a concept!

     -  It could send everybody in Appalachia for dental implants!  It would create thousands of jobs for dentists and cause cousins to recognize each other again.  It would also force Joe Mansion to vote for the Bill, since most of the folks getting the teeth would be from West Virginia.

     -  With $3.5 T, that's 12 zeros doncha' know, we could all have our skin "homogenized" so that none of us are White or Black or Brown or Yellow or Red.  That's the only way I can figure the Lefties will stop talking about racism.  My dearly departed wife Elaine used to say that it would only take a generation or two more before intermarriage would de-colorify us all.  She might be right.  

Or, we could just tax the sh*t out of every body else to pay for it now by using the $3.5 T to train enough dermatologists to de-colorize Amerika...

     -  With that much money we could give everyone an all-expense paid vacay to The Swamp so they could go there and protest.  All of them.  Millions and millions.  And maybe take in a short tour of the Capitol Building.  All of them together.  Should be fun.  Showing off their brand-new teeth.

     -  With $3.5T we could stop being jealous of Jeffey Bozos.  We could ALL have our own little rocket company and take them on little rides whenever we wanted to.  So there, Jeffey!

     -  And lastly, but not leastly, with $3.5 Trillion each of us could be given 40 acres and a mule.  Just like the Gummint promised Black folks at the end of the Civil War.  And trust me, with O'Biden's inflation pushing food prices through the roof, you just might have to grow your own...  

I'll keep on keeping track of this nonsense and then reporting back to you, my Loyal Patriots.  Stay strong during the coming fracas.  It shall be fun...

*   It must remembered that we fought, and WON, World War Two for the entire cost of $1.12 Trillion Dollars.  So, unless the Democrats are intending to fight THREE WW11's, and based on their actions in Afghanistan I don't think so, I doubt they need $3.5 Trillion Dollars.

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