Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Abortion, abortion, abortion.

Can't you people talk about anything else?

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed the "Women's Health Protection Act" this past Friday.  The vote was 218 - 211.  All Republicans voted against the measure, which prevents the Federal Government from enacting laws or rules that conflict with any part of their proposed new law.  In other words, this will be their final word on the subject, and don't you ever bring it up again

That's bad enough; in effect trying to prevent the passage of a future law limiting the scope of this one.  Can you say illegal?  But my favorite provision of this new act is the Democrat's recognition that "Abortions are critical to the health of every person capable of becoming pregnant - including transgender men, non-binary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others."   

Are these people dumber than a bag of rocks, or what?

It seems we're to believe that the Democrats support abortion, always, calling it "pro choice," which means, "pro death."  And that the Republicans are dead-set against it, always, calling it "pro life," which means, "Leave that fetus alone!"

Speaking of which, you'll pardon me if I insert about here that old adage our abortion-friendly friends are famous for spouting:  "My Body, My Choice."  Apparently according to them, I don't get a choice unless I belong to their club...

Reducing an entire political Party or movement to One Single Primary Subject seems to me not only wrong, but counterproductive.  It seems to me that if a woman wants to abort her fetus, after having given it full consideration, including consultation with those who matter, she should go ahead and do so.  There's nothing I could do or say to stop her.

And if the State in which she resides doesn't permit it, then she can simply come to California, where our Boy Guv has promised not only to get everyone an abortion, but to pay their airfare, too!

With my tax money!  Damn, I'm helpful!  Thank me very much!

Now that's some helpful Gov, doncha' think?  And we tried to recall him!  What's wrong with us?  

However, all of those clamoring for "reproductive freedom," which is Liberal code for "killing your fetus," might wish to back up a bit and consider some of the following facts.

You might be surprised to learn that of the 1,220 words in the Declaration of Independence, nary a one of them is "abortion."

And you might also be surprised to learn that of the 4,543 words in the Constitution of these here United States, you'll likewise not find "abortion" listed even once.

And as a matter of fat, the word "abortion" does not appear in any of the tens of thousands of documents from our Founding Fathers on file at the Library of Congress.  None.

Yet, our Supreme Court Justices dug deep within that same Constitution a couple of decades back and "managed" to somehow find the word "abortion" disguising itself as the word "privacy."  

Neat trick, huh?

That "Eureka moment" occurred when some Supreme way back happened to look under the Right to Privacy as outlined in the 14th Amendment.  That Amendment permits the Federal Government to step in should states begin to violate women's "Rights," as outlined in that same Constitution (see now where their new law fits in?  Ingenious, what?).  

So they found, in their infinite wisdom, (cough, cough), that a woman has a "Right to privacy."  Which is great, I think we'll all agree.  And within that "Right to privacy," they found, comes the right to "abort" fetuses, even though they are, as a class, not mentioned.  Anywhere.  

That seems sort of strange, doesn't it?  Presumably one can do so at will.  Whenever, wherever.  And, depending upon where you live, like CA, and OR, and NY, and MD, and IL, and WA, etc., etc., up until the last minute before delivery.  

Or, if you live in Governor Ralph Northam's Virginia, up until the third grade.

So why, you might ask, should we give a s**t?  Especially because Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood, was such a bigot and a racist?  She was dedicated to eradicating the Black race here in America, doncha' know, and the Brown one too, believing as she did that they are substandard and defective, and she thought abortion was a damn good way of getting there (Google it if you doubt me).  

And she's been proven right.  Even with this fact known up front, so far our abortion providers have aborted more than 17,000,000 Black babies and millions more White ones over the past few decades.  And since we have about 17 million Blacks in America today, just think; their political influence could now be doubled if they had just picked an alternate method of birth control. 

NOTE:  If any of our women are so poor they cannot afford the $9.00 a month for birth control, those pills will be provided by the Gummint for free.  Removing any reason, at all, not to choose this rather less dramatic and less sanguine and far speedier form of birth control.  Just sayin...

I must say that when a political base is so focused and dedicated (and loud and obnoxious and demanding) that they can cower a supposedly rattle-free deliberative body like the Supreme Court into conjuring up a supposed "Right" that doesn't exist, finding something where there is nothing, one has to applaud them.  When you can find a "right" to abort fetuses hiding under the "Right to Privacy," now THAT's advocacy.    

Ummm...Right.  I'm sorry, right...

Hey look; Abort your babies if you want to.  I'm the father of four daughters and I'd advise but never preach to them about how to approach this issue.  But you may think of it as a messy sort of birth control if you wish.  That's up to you.  (And for the religious, their God).  I'm actually happy that they who are willing to even contemplate the murdering of their prospective children should be deprived of the joy such a delivery would certainly bring.  

They don't deserve it.  

Why is The Chuckmeister writing about abortions, that "third rail" of politics, you might ask?  Because I'm not a politician, and I don't have to be limited by any "rails," and nobody else seems to want to, at least from my perspective. It's a Big Problem and it needs to be resolved.  

Maybe we need a Third Political Party that doesn't concern itself with abortion, either for or against.  Just freedom and independence and the avoidance of government interference.   

I'm also happy that these dummies are self-selecting under Darwin's Theory.  Just leave them alone.  Let them abort the Hell out of each other.  We can hide in the bushes and watch their numbers decline.  And hopefully precipitously.  Maybe someday soon there won't be any more of them left to clot up our body politic.  

And Margaret Sanger, wherever she is, will be smiling up at us even more broadly than before...

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna disagree with you on the abortion issue because as Mother Teresa said, "“If we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, rather, to use violence to get what they want.” I see Pro Life as a continuum from birth to death and if you're not safe in the womb, you're also not safe if you're old, sick, handicapped, not the way they want you to be, or an inconvenience. My friend had a stoke at thirty-eight and had to quit as a bus driver. Goodwill retrained her and she worked for years afterwards. She ended up having to retire early though and she wasn't sixty-two when she needed help after shattering her good leg getting out of the shower. It was hard finding her services when she checked herself out of the nursing home but didn't have the strength to help herself toilet. Through adult protective services, I got her the much needed help.

    One day she was listening to a pro-life ad and asked, "Why does everyone have to be so DAMN pro-life?" I told her that pro-life is a continuum and if life is not valued before birth, then her life becomes at risk when someone determines she has no value. The same is true in other areas as well. If innocent babies in the womb can be euthanized in a way that is horribly painful, and what we don't allow for our excess shelter pets or criminals, then, life cheapens to the point that violence is acceptable towards anyone. And that is what we see in society today.

    Again, as Mother Teresa said, "“The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts–a child–as a competitor, an intrusion and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the dependent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters. And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners.”


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!