Friday, March 26, 2021


Once again, some crazed fool obtains a gun, legally or otherwise, and shoots up a church or a mosque or a school.  

Or, most recently, a grocery store.

It happens every now and then when one of the 100,000,000 American gun owners comes unglued and causes a massacre.  With a firearm.  Somebody who should have been found out and helped with their mental health crises by our highly-paid healthcare authorities before the fact.  But our current mental health system failed them. 

And all of us.  

And quicker than a quark can go "fsssst," the gun-grabbers on the Left, those protected behind walls and guns, will line up in front of the nearest news camera and demand GUN CONTROL!   

They want so-called "assault weapons" banned!  And confiscated!    

And they want so-called "high-capacity" magazines to be banned!  And confiscated!  

And they want to pass so-called "Universal Background Check" legislation so they'll know who has what gun, so they'll know where to go when Confiscation Day comes...

(NOTE:  When a drunk causes a wreck and kills someone, we do not normally call for all cars to be confiscated.  When a kid drowns in a bathtub, we do not normally call for all bathtubs to be outlawed and showers to be mandated.  When a baby sticks a fork in a power outlet and electrocutes itself, we do not normally call for electricity to be outlawed.  But when somebody shoots somebody?  Pulllleeeezzz!  Oh yeah, and it's a Constitutional RIGHT to own and bear a firearm!)  

Fellow Pilgrims, I'm godddammed sick and tired of hearing these empty threats!  I say, Go Ahead, Make My Day!  Pass such legislation!  Even though doing so would clearly violate the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, and draw lawsuits like a magnet, and be overturned by any right-thinking SCOTUS, and cause untold havoc on the streets while those lawsuits are winding their way through the courts, and cause millions of legal gun owners to become instant felons because they absolutely will not comply with heavy-handed new Federal registration/confiscation rules and regulations, they'll still do it.

Because they can.

So again, I say, Man Up!  No more empty threats.  If you're going to "pull the trigger," so to speak, pull it!  We await!

And by the way, the term "Molon Labe" was uttered by Sparta's Leonidas in response to Persia's Xerxes' demand that he turn over all his weapons.  Or else, Xerxes threatened, he'd be coming to Thermopolae and take them.  They didn't.  He did.  He later wished he hadn't.  Big Time...

Oh yeah, "Molon Labe" means, "Come and take them!"

Okay, Harris/O'Biden, it's your move...

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