Sunday, March 14, 2021

Oh Yeah...

...I almost forgot.  In follow-up to my most recent screed, you could call it a "Part Two," let me outline what we, those who elect to assist in annexing Mexico, do once all the hotels and airports shopping centers and restaurants and bright, clean new cities are built in the brand-new "United State of America."

We'd place signs on the Border letting everyone know that we now have a Border.  A Border which will be enforced.  Enforced as in, don't cross without permission.  Unless you want your ass shot off, of course.  And permission shall only be granted to those who follow the rules and regulations.  Those who show up at our Ports of Entry, just like they're supposed to, hat in hand, all respectful like.  And also we'd print in VERY BIG LETTERS on signs all across the Border saying something like, "BORDER VIOLATORS WILL BE SHOT!"  

Something like that.

And then we'd install gun emplacements in fox holes every 1/8th mile all across the entire 1,760 miles between the United States and what used to be Mexico.  Call it a full employment plan for ex-Marines.  And in them we'd place M-60 machine guns, loaded and ready to go with shiny new .30 caliber ammo.  Pointed north.  Ready to enforce our Border rules and regulations.  As in, don't cross, or you'll be opened up like a can of tuna.

And then do it time or two.  I know, I know, it would be messy.  And a public relations disaster for the O'Biden Administration.  The folks who just couldn't manage to keep all their newly-branded citizens inside their borders.  There.  That should be sufficient...  

We'll call our new home the "United State of America."  And we'll adopt the Constitution of the United States.  After all, the people of that once-Great Country haven't been using it lately, now have they?     

P.S:  You know what's great?  It's having a teeny little blog that few are permitted to read, which expresses what this apparently wrong-thinking citizen intends.  And that occasionally puts forth content of incalculable value, often hidden in baskets-full of nonsensical claptrap.  Which only my fellow Patriots are invited to try and decipher.  And quite likely would be yanked down with extreme prejudice if the pantywaist pukes at FB and Google and all those commie outfits ever became aware of its relatively paltry and meaningless existence.  So unless or until that happens, this member of the (dis)loyal opposition will continue to hide in the bushes and throw spitballs.  Fair warning is hereby extended... 

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