Friday, May 17, 2024

It Must Be in the Water...

You know, if you can't make it as a guy in your sport, it seems you can now try again as a girl.  Sort of a "do over."  Or, maybe as a "non-binary," whatever that is.  Because in O'Biden's America, the "female" in female sports has been erased.

You've to pardon me, I'm an old(er) fella and I grew up in an era when none of this crap would have been tolerated.  We would have just chained the fool who came up with this idea to the nearest pickup truck and dragged him until he regained his common sense.

With extreme prejudice.

An era when we kept our private stuff private.  Where trying to capitalize using your gender rather than your prowess, only worked for Ru Paul.  It's frankly unacceptable.  But yet, those on the far-Left, who seem to be running things these days, are accepting of it.  For reasons of "inclusiveness," doncha' know. 

You know, thinking back, I don't think we had a single gay classmate in my entire high school.  Or home town.  Or my county.  Or if we did, I sure didn't see it.  

And he/she/it didn't show it.

Or homosexuals, as they were called back then.  Or "queer," even.  Not pejoratively, just the names they were called, and called themselves.  And we didn't have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings back then.  Because, as I said, there weren't any.  

And oh yeah, it was all okay.  Because they were the names reported in magazines like Playboy.  You know, the magazines we read with one hand?  (Heh, heh.  Old joke.  Sorry).  

And certainly no "transgenders," either.  In fact, I don't think that term was even invented until a decade or so ago.  Whether there was someone who wanted to don the garb of the opposite sex or not (a disfunction, technically called "gender dysphoria" by psychologists), they didn't.  Or at least they didn't do so in public.  And they probably would never do so, considering the time and the location.  

In fact, I had never met an openly "gay" person until I was "invited" to participate the Army's failed effort to eradicate an idea some 8,000 miles away in Southeast Asia.  

You know, if we can't win you over to our way of thinking, we'll just go ahead and kill you?  

And trust me, they weren't "open" about it.  I'm sure there were lots and lots of folks who were gay in the military, but they didn't advertise their sexuality.  Thankfully.  Nor should they.  Like Rock Hudson was supposed to be gay, we heard.  He was a Big Time movie star, BTW, for those too young to know.  Or care.  We didn't even hear the rumor about his "gayness" until well after his death.  And we even scoffed at the rumor.  His sexual preferences were none of our business.  He was good at his craft.  So nobody cared. 

And back in my neck of the woods, the Upper Midwest, we were "underinformed" about sex, to be sure.  Oh, we knew "how," and "why," and we all got our share of nookie.  But we weren't as schooled on the subject as the Internet would force us to later be.  And I mean, FORCE US to be!  We knew one or two or three "positions," not the 30 or 40 as the Kama Sutra would later reveal.  

(Some of which caused back spasms, BTW.)  

Like I recall one of my best friends and I were talking about sex one day back in the early '60's.  His name is Wayne and he was pretty dejected about his chances of getting laid.  I won't give out his last name but he knows who he is.  He said to me, and I quote, 

"I think I'm bisexual!  If I'm gonna' get any sex at all, I think I'm gonna' have to buy it!"

True.  Every word.  That's where I come from.  But I later learned while in college, preparing to become a clinical psychologist, that "gender dysphoria," or "wishing to become, or behave like, the opposite sex," affects no more than 3% of the population.  More like 1%, they believe.  Yet, HHS (Health and Human Services) tells us that fully 8% of our population is openly "transgender."  

That means, Fellow Patriots, that somewhere around 15 Million People are pretending to be the other sex.  For what reason?  To garner attention?  Mental illness?  Weirdness fetish?  Personality disorder?  Working for the Democrat National Committee and looking for a promotion?  

And God help us, do they also vote?

Matters not.  We've even got one as our Surgeon General!!!  A 60 year-old guy in a skirt and 3" heels!  Who supervises a staff of more than 6,000 physicians!!!  We had one who in charge of our nuclear fuel!  He was famously "non-binary," whatever that means.  The one who stole the baggage from airports so he could wear the stolen clothes inside, remember?  He was caught twice swiping luggage from airports!  He's on probation right now!  

Are you kidding me?

So, I've been trying to figure out how we got from my home town, where everybody kept their sexuality to themselves, what a concept!, to now, where MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people are openly parading their "different-ness" for all the world to see.*  They even have an acronym for that strangeness; LGBTQIA2S+++, etc.  Which is apparently a collection of all the psychological "issues" a human being can possibly carry around.    

Oh wait!  The "+++" at the end leaves an invitation for other, yet to be identified and codified sexual misfires, to come and join in on the fun!   

Did they invite the "Furries?"  You know, those folks who spend $Thousands to dress up like cats and dogs, and then get together at conventions and act like them?  Should we add an "F" to the above acronym? 

I've concluded that it must be in the water.  

The Russians, or the Chinese, or those NoKo's, or even the Cubans, must have put something our water to make some of us act like fools.  Like complete idiots.  Our Great and Wonderful Society has been poisoned, undermined, tricked, bamfoozled, flim-flammed, hippppmotizzzed, even.  There can be no other reason for all this craziness.

I would offer that all this gross and unseemly information is way beyond that required or needed or desired in polite public discourse.  Aren't there a few things that should be kept private?  


*   Can you tell me why no girls are pretending to be boys and trying to get on their football teams?  Or soccer teams?  Or basketball, or baseball, or swimming teams?  Or rugby, or weight lifting, or track, or fencing, or tennis, or any other sporting event?

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