Tuesday, May 7, 2024

RIP, Poor Frank.

I just reached gag level while watching these "protests" going on at more than 50 of our colleges and universities across America.

Our Ivy League-est of universities.  The ones with more than $1.5 Trillion Dollars in endowments comfortably tucked away in the bank!  While charging outrageous tuitions.  And then forcing students to learn remotely.  Are you getting this?

"Students" are camping out on their quadrangles while waving signs and banners calling for the extermination of the Jews.  By whom?  They don't know.  Anyone, I presume.  We just learned what we all had suspected, George Soros and his network of commie socialist organizations are paying them to protest.  All coordinated.  Think about that:  Jewish George Soros is dead-set on exterminating his own people.  Because he's a Jew.  And apparently not at all proud of that fact.  

And he's trying to destroy America just like he tried to destroy England.  The Country that took him in when Britain kicked him out.  For trying to take down the Bank of England.  Illegally.  For shorting the Pound.  Illegally.  He served some hard time and then was shown the door.  One of those, "Don't come back," sort of things.  

I keep thinking about their parents.  The mothers and fathers of these vacuous students.  The ones who worked real hard and saved up real hard and send little Johnnie and Suzie off to Columbia.  Or Haaavid.  Or Yale.  Up to $90,000 a year tuition.  And that was after-tax $dollars.  Causing me to come up with my should-be-viral pronouncement; aren't you glad you ain't rich?

And then I came to a stark realization: nearly everything I know that's worth knowing, I've learned since I left college.  With the ink on my double-major degree still drying.  Oh, I remember some Shakespeare, to be sure, and my algebra teacher gave me two points on the tests for spelling my name right, else I wouldn't have graduated.  And since one of my majors was Psychology, I got to train a white rat to stuff a marble in a beer can.  

It's called "selective reinforcement" using a "Skinner Box."  You can train a rat to pound on a steel bar 20 or even 30 times to get a food pellet.  Just like we can be trained to come to work by giving us that desired paycheck.  A drug that makes you come back for more, but not loving the dealer.  

And oh, BTW, my little subject's name was "Frank Lloyd Rat." *

BTW, I've seen no need to quote Shakespeare since leaving school, nor train any white rats while trying to earn a living.  And this marks the 21,264th day in a row I haven't had the occasion to use algebra.  

Not one single time.

But I've learned how to write a resume, and ask for a job, and ace an interview, and balance a checkbook, and rent an apartment, and buy a car, and perform way better than expected at my career.  And none of this, NONE OF THIS, was taught during my college years.  Which would necessarily make one ask, "Why did I attend college, again?"

I believe we're seeing indelible proof that our students have been trained, using the selective reinforcement of excellent grades and group approval, against the fear of banishment, to do the things we're watching them do on their campuses.  They've been trained by their Marxist professors to hate the Jews and to hate Israel.  

Aand to love those "Palestinians," even though "Palestinians" as a People do not exist.

And for all the money I paid to get that college degree, it proved worthless to me in terms of knowledge gained.  It got me my first job, and it got me in debt.  It took me several years to pay off that student loan.    That was the trade off, I guess.  Pay a huge got of $Cash in order for the doors of corporate America to open wide.  And I guess it still is.

Or at least it was...

If you were looking for a resolution to this problem, here it is: We first deal with the Jew-hating 20 year-olds by sending them back home to mommy and daddy.  Then we immediately put the grab on all the endowments.  All of it.  All $One Trillion 600 Billion Dollars!  Then apply it to pay down the soaring National Debt.  All $Thirty Four Thousand Billion Dollars of it.  

And then pass a law requiring all our youth to a.), do two years in the military; then, b.), two years of Junior College, to be paid for by our Gubmint.  And then the next two years at a college or university of their choice, with half of it paid by the Gubmint (majors in Medieval Lesbian Poetry need not apply).  Except now we'll require all those used-to-be Ivy League colleges and universities to justify their tuitions.  I'm thinking 3 x the National average of J.C. tuitions should be the norm.

Nexxxxxxt, we should pass a law removing the Gubmint's position as "Lender of Last Resort," meaning we'll no longer own all these student loans.  And all the loan losses.  And then pass a law stating colleges and universities must ask the Gubmint's permission to raise their tuition, once they've been approved for fairness, else they'll lose their Federal funding.

Whew!  Just getting started.

Thennnnn, we eliminate our "all volunteer military," and replace it with conscription (see above).  11.2% of us participated in the Second World War.  Only 7.4% participated in the Viet Nam conflict.  Less than 1.8% took part in the Afghanistan "police action."  And now, fewer than 0.7% of us are engaged in military service.  That's scandalous!  We've permitted a dangerous diminution in our ability to protect America.  We're facing a potential three-front war and we've got to beef up.  We need to reinstitute the draft, now!

Ya' with me?  Let's hear a "Yowza!"  Great.  I'll have more to add later.  I design these little missives to you, my Fellow Patriots, to be just long enough to read during a trip to the loo.  The toilet.  The rest room.  About 5 - 7 minutes.  Have I accomplished my objective?  Okay then, go on back to work... 

*  BTW, they wouldn't let me keep Frank, even though I'd paid for him.  They had to gas him, they said.  Protocol, they said.  That taught me a whole lot right there about bureaucracy, fairness, reason, cruelty and stupidity!  All scary things I'd be forced to confront after leaving college...

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