Thursday, May 30, 2024

The "Butterfly Effect'

The "Butterfly Effect:" 

"A theory based upon the idea that we as a society are so deeply interconnected, that a small, seemingly insignificant action in one place can have a major, far-reaching effect somewhere else."

Thus, a butterfly could flap its wings somewhere, and cause a hurricane someplace else.

Today we'll investigate that theory and see if it has merit.  In one situation, specifically...

I'm guessing our BoyGuv "Hairgod" Newsom must have huddled with his minions up there in Sacrataxyou and sweated the enormous $73 Billion Dollar shortfall Taxifornia is facing this year.  Which he ran up.  All by his lonesome.  

We're told he can't even find some $24 Billion Dollars dedicated for use in cleaning up the homeless "crisis."  Maybe he should look between the cushions of his couch.

And so they looked for simple, quick-fix answers to bail him out.  And so one of these shysters up there must have said, "Hey, Guv, we're never gonna' get the votes of the major fast food franchise owners, cause they're Republicans.  They're too smart.  So how about we pick their pockets Big Time?"  

And so BoyGuv, never having had an original thought in his entire privileged life, went along with it.  Without trying to first ferret out all the reasons why it might blow up in their smarmy, micro-abrased faces later on.

It's my opinion they never have such thoughts, as they never have to clean up after themselves.  They have servants we pay to do it for them.

So they rammed through a new law making the Minimum Wage for fast food purveyors a historic $20.00 an hour!  Or just about 30% more than we pay our military enlistees ($31,000 a year).  For saying, "Would you like fries with that," They even get 25% more than Taxifornia's MinWage of $15.20!  And fully 250% of America's MinWage of $7.25!

The "Butterfly" began flapping its wings.

So the damage is done, the New Law is in effect.  And the First Reaction following that Action, is that all the workers in all the other restaurants that are not McDonalds, or Wendy's, or Subways, or Burger King, will demand $20.00 an hour from their current employer!  And if "Millie's Burger Bar," a three-stool diner near the beach, doesn't pony up with that yuuuge pay bump, then Millie's workers will bail.  They'll leave her high and dry!  And she's Out of Business!  And there's a whole bunch of "Millie's" out there!

Such is the beginning of that "Butterfly effect."

And then the owners of those franchises must of course raise their prices to stay in bizz.  And when they do, people will realize that the 'Murican people can no longer afford the very food that was created especially for them!  So they'll stop coming.  And the franchise owners will no longer be able to stay in bizz.  So they'll close the doors and the average of 55 employees in each of those 24-hour restaurants will then lose their jobs.  

There's currently about 500,000 people working in major chain burger joints in Taxifornia.  That number could go down precipitously.  And soon.  

Those wings are flapping.  Furiously.    

And the now defunct bizz can no longer pay their franchise fees to those yuuuuge corporations that franchised them.  The MickeyD's, that BurgerK's, and the Wendy's.  So their stock goes in the toilet and they go out of bizz.  And all the retired people who own their stock will now lose a major portion of their savings.  And the nonexistent future earnings from companies no longer in existence.  

Such is the power of those "butterfly's" wings.

And all the earnings that those retired folks are not now receiving will no longer be spent.  Taking tax dollars not earned out of the State's coffers.

Another far-reaching result of those wings having flapped.

And the hundreds of thousands who work at each of those corporations will lose their jobs.  And go on unemployment.  Putting the once-Great State of California even further in the dumper.  

Those "Butterflies" are working overtime.

And then the SEIU* will begin lobbying for all the other fast-food workers in all the other Big Blue States to demand $20.00 an hour, too.  So all those workers will be forced to join that union, and pay their dues, and start paying Federal Income Taxes, also.  Because those workers will now earn too much to receive rental assistance, food stamps, Aid to Families With Dependent Children and other direct and indirect aid.  Leaving them even worse off then they were before.

A "Butterfly" can be disruptive, can't it?

And lastly, all the little Johnnie's and Suzie's who used to be able to find a nice little afterschool job at the local MickeyD's, like One in Eight of your fellow Americans used to do, will now forever be deprived of this part of growing up.  No more can they earn a few bucks to take little Suzie out to the movies on Friday night.  They've been frozen out of these jobs completely.  This "right of passage" will be gone.  And most likely, forever.  

Those fast-food jobs are now the province of our "newcomers," O'Biden's poll-tested word for "illegal immigrants," who now earn enough to take care of a family of five.  And pay those infernal union dues.  And all those taxes, doncha' know. 

The "Butterfly Effect" can really stir things up, now can't it?  

You're watching America being remade.  Right before your very eyes.  And I don't see anybody doing a damn thing to stop it...

*    The Service Employees International Union:  A bunch of thieves who work against the interests of their own members.

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