Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Last Bastion of Americanism.

Well, Fellow Patriots, I bid an R.I.P. to my pet white rat Frank Lloyd in my last posting.  Where I highlighted the propaganda being forcibly shoveled into our "blank-slate" young men and women.  By legions of socialist and Marxist educators, dead-set on bringing down America.  

And just yesterday I learned about the collapse of our Last Bastion of Americanism.  The "Boy Scouts of America," or so they've been called for more than 114 years, have now knuckled under to "inclusiveness."  A word I've come to believe is a synonym for "communism."  A word fashioned from all the DEI and the C.R.T. that's been forced down our throats after decades of effort.  

They've now dropped the "Boy" out of their name, and left "Scouting America."  Because they've now been infected with Marxism and "multi-culturalism" and "woke-ism."  

As their new CEO, a reprobate from the tech industry, calls it, their Scouts are now open to expressing their real, true "authentic self."  And we now all know what that means.  Have the Scouts who've traveled through your Organization over the past century been inauthentic?  Including me?  


Perhaps after having been sued multiple times and gone bankrupt, due to the reprehensible actions of a few, the "BSA," as they were also known, is flying apart like a Woolworth watch.  Before our very eyes.  They're hemorrhaging members, and therefore dues, one would suspect.  The dues they need to keep their bloated salaries coming in.

From a high of more than 5 million members in the 1970's, membership had dwindled to around 2 million as recently as a decade ago.  And then the accusations of sexual abuse by a few scoutmasters resulted in a $5.6 Billion Dollar award from its bankruptcy proceedings.  

Membership has dropped to about 1 million now, and it seems its new management believes the way to fix the Boy Scouts of to break the Boy Scouts of America.

Even though there's been a "Girl Scouts of America" for decades, the BSA is now openly courting girls.  Please come join us!  And gays now, also!  A "condition" they ran away from for decades.  And even transgenders.  Please!  Welcome aboard!  Give us some of those transgenders!  And one would suspect, therefore, folks from all across that "LGBTQ2SABC123+++ spectrum. 

In fact, in an effort to stay afloat and fish for new members, it began welcoming gay members in 2013, and gay scoutmasters in 2018.  Perhaps the very reason membership started to tank.    

This is a death knell to Scouting.  And I speak from experience.  I was a Cub Scout at the age of 8, a Tenderfoot when I turned 10, a Boy Scout by the age of 12, and an Explorer Scout from 18 and onward.  I also served as both an assistant scoutmaster and a scoutmaster.  And along the way I earned an Eagle Scout Award, with two Oak Leaf Clusters.  And a God and Country Award.  And 33 merit badges.  

No longer will inner-city boys be afforded that life-changing two-week summer camp.  Where they got to learn all about living and learning in the woods, and away from parents.  Young men used to find friends and forge life-long bonds.  They learned to tie knots, and take swimming classes, and build lean-tos, and forge friendships.  And not just big city kids.  Kids from smaller towns used to look forward to that summer experience.  And I was one of them.

I was invested in the Boy Scouts.  I've lived my entire life guided by its motto, "Be Prepared."  I've tried to live my life according to the Scout's Creed.  And all my other fellow Scouts feel the same about this issue, I would guess.  But whether they do or not, I'm personally ashamed of this development.  This press release could just as easily have come from the "Onion."  Its a sham, and a shame.  And a Big Middle Finger to all the Scouts who've proudly served this once-fine Institution.  This is the Beginning of the End of an idea, for sure.  And for the Organization, most likely.  

But more importantly, Fellow Patriots, what does this portend for our Country?  Along with Chevrolets and apple pie and baseball, the Boy Scouts of America was  a part of what made America special.  A part of the fabric of our Nation.  It prepared legions of young men for adulthood.  How will the "new" "Scouting America" prepare our young men, and women, and "others?"  Or will it bother to even try? 

So on the way out the digital door, the Boy Scouts are now just "Scouting," and they're looking to pilfer members from the Girl Scouts, and open wide their membership to those openly gay and asexual and bi-sexual and transgender and two-spirit and every other sort of deviation from the conventional young boy imaginable.  While the Girl Scouts do the same, I would suspect.  Or perhaps they'll just change their name to "Scouting, Too." 

As I've warned you many, many times before...

" let a camel get his nose under the tent..."

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