Tuesday, May 21, 2024


1st Amendment to the Constitution:  Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of the speech, or of the press; or the Rights of the people to peacefully assemble; or to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now that I've provided that bit of History as a reminder for some of our Gen-Z folks out there, here's a thought you might find interesting:

Hive-Think "The tendency of a group of insects, like ants, bees and termites, to relinquish their individuality and perform as slaves according to the wishes of the colony's leader."

And humans, it appears.

Imagine this: a prominent professional football player states his heartfelt beliefs using his Freedom of Speech, exercising his 1st Amendment Rights, in front of those who've invited him to do so, and the League for which he plays, so well, comes out immediately with a condemnation of the contents of his speech.  Distancing themselves from him and the subject of that speech; God, and how to live a Godly life.  

1st Amendment, much?  Freedom of speech, much?  

Harrison Butker, the guy with 3 Super Bowl Rings, who kicks field goals for the Kansas City Chiefs (Go Chiefs!), arguably better than anyone else ever has (94% completions in '23), was invited to give the commencement address at Benedictine College, near Kansas City.    

Benedictine is a Catholic College which is attended mainly by Catholics.  A historically Conservative Order.  And Butker's a Catholic, also, which is likely why they invited him.  And so he delivers this stem-winding speech.  Giving glory to his wife, his kids, and his God.  Pretty predictable, wouldn't you say.  

So this was a famous Conservative Catholic talking to a flock of Conservative Catholics, in a Conservative Catholic institution, who presumably share his opinions about Conservative Catholicism.  The Conservative kind.  In fact, they gave him a standing Conservative "O."  There were no protesters, BTW, Conservative or otherwise.    

Is there a controversy in there somewhere?  Wouldn't you have to look pretty hard to find one?

Well, Fellow Patriot, Butker had the temerity to actually recommend to these students that they follow God in all things!  That they turn away from abortion, in spite of the fact our Government funds it.  That they realize their uppermost goal in life should be to find someone to love them, and then start and grow a family with them.  A big family.  Lots of kids.  A family that believes in God.  And acts like it.  

So far, so good, right?  But Noooooooooooo!!! 

The backlash started immediately with the Leftoid Corporate Media, those "ladies" on the View, the O'Biden White House, and every single "Progressive" in America making him out to be a fool and probably a criminal for, and because of, all day everyday, his religion. 

Oh, and most particularly, the National Football League.  They felt the need to denounce his speech, for what reason we can only surmise.  Maybe they're just a bunch of Godless heathens, only motivated by $revenues and favorable poll numbers.      

Why?  Butker said he thought it was quite okay for an educated woman, his woman, BTW, one who just got her diploma, to stay home and raise babies.  He wasn't recommending it for every woman, but suggesting it was okay to be an actual...ready for it?


Like that's somehow a dirty word!  And the Corporate Media went nuts!  Oh my God!  Think about it: it's okay in 2024 to be a boy winning a girls' track meet, but not okay to stay home and be a mom.  I would think every father in America would hope to find a way to let his wife stay home and raise their kids if at all possible.      

Beyond the outrage from the atheist Leftoids among us, somebody in Kansas City's Social Media Department, actually doxxed Butker!  He/she/it/they gave out Butker's home address, including a snap of his house, and showed directions how to get there!

That's one pis*ed off Lefty!  That's one criminal act!    

Well, (Democrat) Mayor Bailey of K.C. followed all this up a couple of hours later (9:31 p.m., that same evening), by apologizing for this errant Tweet and said, in effect, "My Bad, So Sad."  Nothing to see here, just move along.  As if that would be enough.  

It wasn't enough.  And it isn't.

Apparently the Attorney General of Missouri doesn't think so either.  He's coming hard for whomever dropped that Tweet.  But will he be successful?  This "Hive-Think" that causes all those who disagree with someone enough to want to hurt them?  To ruin their lives?  To subject them to harm?  Simply because they harbor a differing opinion about politics?  Or religion?  Or how to raise their children?  Or our Freedom of Speech?  Which is enshrined in the very 1st Amendment of our Bill of Rights?  In the Constitution?  

Like in this case?

Doesn't Harrison Butker get Free Speech, even though he's a Catholic?  Is that what America's come to?  

Ask yourself: If Butker was Black and this was a Baptist Church in Georgia, or a Muslim football player, who was filmed espousing "From the River to the Sea" at his local mosque, would any of this have ever seen the light of day?  Would the NFL have come out strongly against either?  Would our Corporate Media blast that player for his beliefs?  

I think not.

I would submit that the majority believe as this Tweeter does.  They hate those who believe in something.  Anything, I would offer!  And act in a Godly way, when they don't.  And want us to perform as a Godly Nation, and they don't.  They are simply jealous.  That slight majority, those who hate Butker for being Butker, or anyone willing to walk and talk like Butker, are clearly unhappy.  And they're pis*ed because he is.    

Maybe they should talk with Butker and find out what's making him so happy? 

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