Saturday, May 25, 2024

Tab "A," slot "B."

As you travel and party while celebrating our Memorial Day Weekend, please stay safe.  It's harder to do that now more than ever because of all the criminals roaming our streets.  The ones who really should be locked up.  And why aren't they locked up?

If one were to total up all the Federal prison cells in the U. S. of A., and all the state penitentiary cells, and all the county jail cells, and throw in all the city cells, and every Indian Reservation jail cell, and all the military lock-ups, you wind up with just about 1,998,765 of them.  Count 'em up.  I did.  And it took me all morning.  (They don't make that info easy to obtain!).

Not quite Two Million Lock-ups.  Hoosegows.  Gray Bar Hotels.  The "San Quentins" of America.  For 341,000,000 of us, the Census Bureau tells us.  Not counting the 50 or 70 or 100 million illegal aliens we have running around.  

Why is that worthy of note, you might ask?  Because at any one time we've got around 4,500,000 people out on bond or parole.  So called, "in the system."  

Annnnd, as I've noted in previous rants, there are about 250,000 felons in Taxifornia alone who've skipped out on their bail!  Among which there are 8,754 accused murderers, 12,357 rapists, and 15,465 carjackers.  

And they didn't show up for their court hearing.  Just blew it off.  So it's left to our cops to stop everybody they can, with orders to I.D. them, even when doing so is a 4th Amendment violation,* so they can scoop them up and bring them in.  It's unconstitutional!  And in the meantime, we have hardened criminals roaming the streets. 

Well, Fellow Patriots, I have a question: if they were accused murderers, why were they let out on bail in the first place?  Because, I would submit, we didn't have anyplace to put them!  Because we haven't built a new jail cell in Taxifornia since Christ was a Corporal!  

A lot of this whole "no cash bail" free-for-all we have here in Taxifornia is more about insufficient jail cells than it is about being nicer to lesser life forms.  Of course, when you have a dirtbag D.A., like L.A. does, who believes any punishment is too much punishment, what do we expect?

That's one of the major reasons our criminals rack up 30 or 40 arrests before they're finally held to account and sent off to the Gray Bar Hotel.  

Why don't we build new jail cells, you might ask?  Because the Leftoids who apparently run things around here believe we already have too many prisons and jail cells.  And they want to close the prisons we've got!  Even our whiny Hairgod BoyGuv Newsom is threatening to close San Quentin, the only two words that scare the Bloods and the Crips, and turn it into a rehabilitation and sports venue.   

I kid thee not.

So follow the bouncing ball:  If we built more prison cells we could lock up more criminals.  And they would therefore no longer be on the street, committing crimes.  Which is their job.  But our job is to lock them up.  Tab "A," slot "B."  Got it?

I knew that you would.   

*  I doubt our cops even know they're violating our 4th Amendment Right to safeguard "...our persons, our papers and our effects..." when they try and I.D. us, without "reasonable articulable suspicion that a crime has been, is being, or will be occurring." (CA Penal Code 148.G).  And if they do, and you alert them to that Penal Code, they lose their partial immunity against prosecution if they proceed.  You have to be arrested in Taxifornia before you have to give up I.D.  And you can sue the sh*t out of them and their city if they detain you, or especially arrest you.  And  you can even win if you take it "pro se."  We're talking $Thousands here.  Just sayin...  

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