Sunday, May 12, 2024

Is God Pis*ed?

I've done a lot of research on the subject of this humble posting, including having read the Bible cover-to-cover.  And also possessing a 10 year perfect attendance pen from my Sunday school class way back when.  And although I've never been terribly, outwardly religious, I am a student of religion, and of history.  And how the two often merge.  And as near as I can tell, America is the only Country ever consecrated specifically "Under God."

And although not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, to emphasize inclusiveness (before that became a dirty word for most of us), God is hailed three times in the Declaration of Independence.  We separated from Britain "Under God," and we fought the Revolutionary War "Under God,  and we formed "...a more perfect Union," Under God.  

So that's pretty convincing evidence to me, anyway, that ours is a Secular State based upon Religious Values.

And that's because our Founding Fathers, the John Hancock's, and the Benjamin Franklin's, and the John Adams's, and the Alexander Hamilton's, were deeply, unapologetically, famously, publicly, Men of God.  George Washington even stated that he'd been visited by an emissary from God (St. Michael, I believe) to help him through that awful winter at Valley Forge.  And they installed that belief in the Declaration of Independence.  And later, in the Constitution, however obliquely.  

Our Constitution is the longest such governing document in world history, BTW.  I thought I'd mention that.  

And so I've always thought that God, in His infinite wisdom, has kept an eye out for us, the U. S.  Even though He'd promised to grant us all "free will" after that "Flood" thingie.  Which wiped out the entire human race, the Bible tells us, except for Noah and his gang.  

And perhaps He even looked out for us when things were going badly.  Like during the Civil War.  And the Great Depression.  And World War 2, as an example.  Those "...times that will try men's souls," as President Roosevelt proclaimed at the time.  

We asked for His help as a Nation, and He helped get us through those times.  And no one can tell us (me) any different.

But then we as a Nation began to turn our backs on Him.  I cannot remember a time when I didn't start my school day way back when without the "Pledge of Allegiance."  With our hands over our hearts.  Facing our Flag, standing in the corner.  

Or when every oath taken in our courts of law included the term, "under God" instead of "...swear and affirm."  Those same oaths that our city councils and mayors and cops and firefighters have to take.  And our Congressmen and the President, even!  Whether they mean it or not. 

Is it still like that?  Our Proud Flag standing in the corner of those classrooms?  With our kids repeating our Pledge?  Hands over their hearts?  I think you know the answer to that question...

No longer.  God is passe.  Too bad, so sad.  I guess we're beyond all that "religion" thing now.  Even though it's a part of the Foundation of our Great Land. 

Think back to when God was in our lives.  Before we permitted "...the camel to get his nose under the tent."  And you know what they say about that camel!  Before we let the enormous teachers unions gain control and strangle out God and our Love of Country from our kids' lives.  

And started installing racial hatred and resentment.  And anti-capitalist dogma.  And class rivalry, and racial animus, and the blurring of gender realities.    

And a hatred of and for capitalism, and all those who've achieved by choosing to embrace it.  And for anything that makes them "uncomfortable."  Transgenderism in, Love of Country, out.  They've installed cultural Marxism into our educational system instead, inducing a deep-seated rot that will be hard to eradicate.  If ever we can.

All that considered, have you ever thought that God is maybe smacking us around a little bit for taking Him out of our schools?  And our courts?  And our civil interactions?  And to the extent possible, our lives?  Perhaps giving us a taste of what it's like to live where God is fully outlawed instead of just ignored?  Like in Cuba?  And China?  And North Korea?  Maybe letting us know what it would be like if He abandoned us the way we've abandoned Him?

Our Federal Government under socialist O'Biden is even doing its best to jail those who now pray outside abortion clinics.  O'Biden's FBI even prosecuted such an individual and he received 11 years in prison.  For praying!  A higher court overturned that sentence, issuing a stern rebuke to the Government, but only after a long and expensive appeal.  

Thank God.  Maybe He had a hand in rectifying that Orwellian sentence.  

And what about all those "Christian fundamentalists" who show up at school board meetings in an effort to involve themselves in their kids' education?  What were they thinking?  We can't have that, now can we?  After all, doesn't the State "own" our children?  The State seems to think so.  Hi(liar)y Clinton seems to think so... 

Oh yeah, and, Mzzzz. Karmala Harris was the first American Vice President to visit an abortion clinic.  Sure made the owners of Planned Parenthood proud they chose that line of work!  And it made a nice subject for the next Sunday's sermon at thousands of churches across America.  And a nice subject for discussion in all the Sunday morning talking-head news shows.  Most of them proud of her, the others shocked and dismayed.  

Those who were proud to be in favor of that sacrilegious transgression makes my point.  Indelibly...  

And Good Ol' Joe O'Biden was kind enough to cross himself when he appeared with Planned Parenthood's president as she signed a new agreement with our Gubmint.  To kill another generation of their babies.  I wonder when an Official Executive Order will appear from the Oval Office requiring all American females to become "pro-choice?"   

And to bring God to the forefront, I'm thinking, His people, the Jews, are under attack once again.  A coordinated attack across the entire world.  One carefully planned and orchestrated by all those who need to blame others for their own shortcomings.  Which seems to pop up every generation or so, and has for millennia.  And it just may finally be a prelude to the End Times.  And something called "Armageddon." 

Read the Good Book if you were so educationally-deprived that you have no idea what those words actually mean.  And why those who don't should be quaking in their boots.  

To use my best friend's comment about this issue once again, he said, "It's just the latest chapter in a 5,000 year old book."  To which I add, could this be the final chapter?    

I'm thinking (hoping) God's bringing us all so close to the brink, to World War 3 even, just to show us that we're expendable.  All of us!  To wake us up.  To once again show us The Way.  

And if we don't awaken?  Look what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah?  The archeologists have just found the ancient city of Sodom, they say.  And funny, it's right where the Bible said it would be!  They found a square kilometer of fused glass where there used to be sand.  And the only thing that can turn sand into glass?  10,000 degrees!  The archeologists believe it was caused by an airburst from an incoming meteor, travelling 34,000 mph, which caused a nuclear blast.  A very localized nuclear blast.  Is there such a thing as a "localized" nuclear blast?  One that eliminates an area smaller than the footprint of Angels Stadium?      


So while we're trying to repair the damage that's been done to our Country over the past few years (God help us...again?), we might want to get our respective houses in order.  In an effort to mend things with our Creator.*  Just on the off-chance He's a little bit pis*ed at the mess we've made of "His" Country.  

Otherwise, for some of us, it just might just get a bit toasty... 

*   And for those atheists out there, shouldn't you hedge your bets?  

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