Monday, May 31, 2021

"Embracing the Suck"

Those few of us who've been in the military of these here United States know well the term, "Embrace the Suck!"

That means when it's 3:00 in the morning, no moon, and five below zero, and misting freezing rain, and you're low-crawling through foot-deep mud, dragging a 75-pound pack, plus a battle rifle, running on 4 hours sleep over who-knows-how-many days, you're only certain of one thing:  

It Will Get Worse.

And sooner rather than later.

It's necessary to dredge up this term every now and again when the Godless heathens are in charge.  When the "Sinus Rhythm of Politics," as I have brilliantly named it, puts the people in political power who are trying to hike up our taxes and defang our military and open our borders and encourage our enemies and demoralize our friends and welcome in socialism and fling open our jail cell doors and cap our oil wells while endeavoring to make our self-defense weapons illegal.  

And that's after only about 4 months of "embracing."

Just imagine how much worse it will get!  Fortunately, there was no mandate for such sweeping far-Left Wing efforts to turn American into Venezuela.  With a 50-50 Senate and a scant 5-seat majority in the House, the very smallest in more than 100 years, plus a lame-ass, demented old coot who likely needs a full dose of Adderall (look it up) to get through a scripted news conference, they assuredly DO NOT have a mandate.  Even though they're acting like it.  

And our lap dog "MainStream-Media" performs for all the world as it it's the Media Arm for the Democrat National Committee.  They are fan-boys all.  So we out-of-power Conservatives must gird our loins and hide in the bushes and watch while these miscreants try to deconstruct our fine Country.  It shan't be long before the adults accede to power once again and these bozos are relegated to the dust bin of history.  Kicked to the curb as they say.  Erased!

One can only hope.

In the meantime, join with me now, everyone, as we 

"Embrace the suck..."        

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