Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"Drop of Destiny!"

One of the scariest statistics I've read lately is that Yahoo and Google are the primary news sources for fully 62% of our population.  


The small print shows that most of that 62% are millennellinennelliells, which I guess is good.  Otherwise, they wouldn't get any news at all.

They don't get their news from newspapers.  Or from radio or television.  Or bless their little hearts, not even Fox News.  No, no, no, most decidedly not Fox News!  Even though fully 42% of Fox News' viewership are self-admitted Democrats.  I guess those folks want to know what the enemy is doing...

After all, that's sort of why I watch MSPMS and the Clinton News Network, so I fully understand.

So I guess we now know the reason why a crusty old coot in an ill-fitting suit wound up with the White House after three painful attempts.  He was voted in by a tiny subset of our population, who some say are so damn dumb they couldn't pour piss out of a boot!  As Inspector Clouseau used to say, "I know nothing, I suspect nothing..."  

In just over 100 days the socialists who are pulling his strings have disassembled America as we used to know it.  We'll be very lucky if we get past his presidency with our Republic still in tact (that was an opinion, worth quite a bit in my opinion).  

And so in a effort to help, I suggest we mount a leaflet-dropping campaign to our friends behind the "Progressive Curtain."  Those living on either coast and in Chicago and New Orleans and Kansas City and a few other "Big Blue Cities" in need a information only a full-blown leaflet dropping can bring.  They need to finally get the news.  The news that the bozo they hired is destroying their future and that of their kids.

So I'm thinking we could hire like 200 helicopters.  We can fill them each with 500 pounds of leaflets, letting these "bubble prisoners" know what's really going on in America.  We could tell them that before they changed horses in mid stream, we had the very best economy and the lowest unemployment rate and the highest stock market price and the lowest crime rate and the highest individual income rate in history!  And within a couple of months, we've gone from Utopia to Dystopia!  

We could call it the "Drop of Destiny!"  You like that one?  Yeah, I think I'll keep that one...

We could stage these helos at various cities all across the coasts and other key Liberal areas.  And, at the pre-ordained time, these helos would strike!  They would simulfriggintaneously drop their "Load of Truth" to the hungry masses assembled below (of course, I'm sure the enemy will call it a "load" of something else...).  The ones who've been starving for the Truth, but sure as Hell not getting it from MSPMS, or CNN, or NPR, or the Alphabets (ABC/CBS/NBC), or most any of the Big Blue City newspapers.  How else are they going to finally learn what's happening beyond the "Coastal Bubble?" 

It's like "The Hunger Games," with information instead of food.  Okay, okay, you get it... 

It's going to be kind of like the post-WW2 Berlin airlifts.  Freedom over fascism!  Minus the bags of potatoes and corn and wheat, that is...

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