Friday, May 21, 2021

"Billy Beer"

Do you remember "Billy Beer?"  

That was the stuff promoted by then-President Jimmy Carter's brother, Billy.  If you're not of an age to recall that kerfuffle, Jimmy's brother's fondness for the fruit of the grain was legendary.  And he was found face-down in peanut groves by Plains, GA police on many occasions whilst Jimmy was in the White House, doing his best to screw-up America.  It was a major distraction, and one that threatened to bring down Carter's presidency.  

Fortunately for Jimmy, the WH corps ushered Billy off center stage to a rehab hospital and the story left the front pages.

Jimmy suffered greatly at the antics of his brother, even though the always-compliant "MainStreamMedia" provided favorable press.  Just imagine how the press would have handled this were the POTUS a Republican...

Somehow I'm guessing good ol' Joe, the scrawny, ill-tempered guy with the ever-present scowl who keeps telling us we're in for a "dark winter," would vastly prefer his son be afflicted with Billy's problem...  

Vastly prefer.

So Joe's son Hunter got thrown out of the Navy because he was, and possibly still is, an alcoholic and a drug addict.  He got a Bad Conduct Discharge, meaning he's ineligible to vote as well as to hold many Government jobs.  Supposedly.  If he was anyone else, that is.  Did the vaunted "MSM" make mention of that?  Didn't think so...

From there he went on to shack up with his dead brother Beau's wife, during her period of mourning.  Oh yeah, he was married at the time.  He then knocked up a stripper he discovered in a bar in Arkansas and fathered her child.  Also while married.  Which he then disavowed.  She sued him for paternity, and won.  He fought it all the way, publicly (although the MSM refused to give it national attention), even so far as to requiring DNA evidence.  He claimed poverty.  While living in a $3 Million Dollar Malibu home and driving a Ferrari.  He now must pay her child support.  Nice guy.

Being a "Biden," his daddy got him a gig in China, which netted him a $1.5 Billion Dollar investment.  From their Government.  And there's Ukraine, of course (he's a big non-oil and gas professional, remember), which enriched him to the tune of some $80,000 per month.  

Oh yeah, and somehow the Mayor of Moscow's wife managed to wire him $3.5 Million Dollars.  For something.  Was he "boinking" her also?  If we had a "MSM," we'd know, now wouldn't we?

While living with yet another woman, he dropped off his laptop for repair.  Apparently he had purchased a firearm feloniously and, in a blind alcoholic rage, was threatening to kill himself with it.  His girlfriend drove to a supermarket and threw it in the trash.  He later tried to retrieve it, without success.  There are reports the Secret Service aided in this search (!!!).  Do you sense a pattern here?

His daddy blamed the laptop deal on the Russians.  My computer often goes on the fritz, but it's definitely not the Kremlin's fault.  But I digress.  Hunter's laptop was just jam-packed with dandy pictures and documents incriminating both him and his daddy in all sorts of nefarious schemes.  

It also apparently is full of picture of little kids.  Hmmm...

I understand the FBI, the CIA, the NRA, the CDC and the AAA are investigating him, which means nothing at all will happen to him as a result, ever.  I'll let you conjure up a possible reason.  

I was just thinking that good ol' Joe would likely prefer it if Hunter had the same human frailties as besat Billy Carter.  Sure would have been far easier to manage, wouldn't it?  Of course, if we had a functional FBI and MSMedia, he'd be in jail.  

And so would his daddy. 

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