Thursday, May 6, 2021

We Were Both Right...

In follow-up to a recent screed, I must admit, we were both right. 

And the "we" I'm referring to in the above are the "Progressive" Democrat Leftoids here in America, versus those of us who adhere to more Conservative, Right-leaning principles.   

And BTW, I have received more comments about it than any other essay I've ever posted, and that includes "ever!"  We're talking in the tens and tens of responses here, Pilgrim!

My "epiphany," as I told you a couple of days back, was that we were both right; they think they live in a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, nasty, dirty, scary, racist, awful, racist country, and we don't.  

Did I mention racist?  

I must admit the hard-core Lefterinos amongst us must have been right, from their perspective, when they told us their Amerika was a "systemically racist" and "institutionally racist" Kountry.  That it's filled klear up to the brim with racists, and sexists, and Islamophobes, and all them there other 'phobes.  And people who don't want men to shower in the girls' rest rooms.  And they tell us that all they need is to take Amerikka apart and put it back together again, although in a fairer (and more socialist!) mode.  

And we were right when we continually stated that our America is neither racist nor sexist nor homophobic nor anti-immigrant nor "anti-anything" else.  In fact, our America was founded on the opposite of all those things!  God knows, after having willingly spent more than $9 Trillion Dollars of taxpayer money on all manner of Great Society Programs since LBJ and the 1960's, all designed to address and finally correct any remaining inequities resulting from the horrors of slavery, visited upon us by some of our ancestors (not mine!), and all designed to provide the public mea culpa necessary to throw off the awful stain of slavery.  And it's frankly soul-crushing to see what it's bought us.  And brought us.

Sort of like discovering the puppy you brought home from the pound, despite copious guarantees to the contrary, grew up into a 400-pound snarling beast that would eat you and your entire family if you didn't continue to feed it.  A lot.

I love analogies.  And that was a pretty good one, even if I do say so myself (if more of you faithful readers would complement the author, the author wouldn't have to brag upon himself quite so much.  Okayzee?).    

Anyway, let's summarize this, shall we?  The Wokerenos live in an awful, nasty Kountry, and they'll be the very first ones to tell you so.  In fact, they're happy to tell you their Kountry sucks!  And they think your Country sucks, too! 

Which, BTW, would be my country.  And likely yours.  But I'm pleased to tell them that it doesn't!  You already know that, I'm positive, but somehow they do not.  And if ours wasn't such a grand and glorious Country, the Wokesters amongst us wouldn't have the protection the 1st Amendment affords to call us and their Homeland awful names.       

So here's "the rub," as Shakespeare would say.  Our Two Americas are separated not by borders, but by ideologies.  And I frankly don't know how to draw a border between me, and say the vacuous weirdos who inhabit Hollywood.  Or me and the numbnuts who publish the drivel our "MainStreamMedia" call "news."  Or me and the bubble-dwellers shot-calling in Washington, D.C. these days.  Or me and the dozen or so oligarchs in Silicon Valley who play Monopoly for realzies.  Or me and the folks who live in Lost Angeles and somehow don't notice either the homeless, or the garbage in which they are living.   

All I can figure is that the only "line of demarcation" between me and the room temperature-I.Q. folks who think America sucks, is a well-cleaned and -oiled and -loaded firearm.  And God knows I need it, what with every effort by the Wokedom to disarm me at exactly the same time they're letting felons out of prison by the tens of thousands.  And I'm guessing they're happy the gun stores are all empty... 

I frankly don't know how this is all going to wind up, but it's sure going to be entertaining to watch... 

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