Tuesday, May 18, 2021

"The Sky Is Falling!!!

I guess when things are going well, some of us just work overtime to find something to clutch their pearls over.  

Or as my fave teach Ms. Wall would have me say, "...something over which to clutch their pearls."   

Well, exqueeeze me! 

Although those of us who went to school, at least to high school, know that there have been various warming and cooling periods throughout our planet's 4.5 billion year history.  The most recent was the Little Ice Age, which ended with a soft thud about 12,000 years ago.  That caused the vast sheets of glacier ice which had covered most of the Earth for billions of years to melt, which caused the oceans to rise at least 400 feet.  There is some scientific evidence to indicate that an asteroid may have precipitated this melt-off.

You read about it in Genesis, remember?  (Heh, heh...).

We even had another even "littler" Ice Age about 500 years ago.  The temperature dropped a cool (get it?) 5 degrees for several decades back then.  BTW, there was nary an SUV in sight.  

But now?  Things are humming along nicely.  Earth-wise, that is.  Oh, our temperature has increased roughly 1 degree Fahrenheit in the last century, which has resulted in no harm whatsoever.  A better growing season, nicer day at the beach, and less oil used to heat our homes in winter, especially homes in poorer countries.  But otherwise, no harm whatsoever.  It's been predicted (by those in the business of predicting such things, I presume) that we'll experience another one degree bump or so over the coming 50 years.  Or is it 100 years?  Dueling predictions from competing predictors, doncha' know.  

Holy crap, you'd think "The Sky Is Falling!"  Those who have nothing else to worry over (or, over which to worry), started worrying.  And they're still worrying!  There's a bartender in Congress, for example, who's based her entire reason for being on trying to lower the Earth's temperature.  All by her lonesome.  Somehow. 

And there are dozens and dozens of otherwise seemingly intelligent folks who are worried that... "We have less than 12 years to live!" (AOC, 2018).  And she and her crowd want us, the American taxpayer, to throw $Squintillions at "it" to "fix" "it."  Whatever that means.  They want us to implement the so-called "Green New Deal" to "fix" this problem.  Doing so would force us to shut down all our airlines and stop driving cars and trucks and eliminate all oil and gas exploration.  Well, lemme' tell you, Pilgrim, that won't fix it.  Because it's not our problem to fix.  

The facts:  America represents only 7% of the Earth's population, yet admits 25% of its atmospheric pollutants.  That's bad.  But that's down from more than 35% 20 years ago, and it's still plummeting, and that reduction was accomplished by concerned industry, not Government edict.  

And that's good!

China and India together admit more than 55% of the Earth's atmospheric pollutants.  That's bad.  China itself is the most polluting country on the planet.  Verrry bad!  Both countries are opening new coal mines weekly.  Neither country is undertaking any key efforts to lower their pollution at all.  None, at all!  Yet, they want US, the U. S., to pay THEM, to do what's right for the Earth.  And AOC and her crowd of whimpering, hand-wringing sycophants are on their side.  Are they paying her, or is she just that stupid?

(I don't know what came over me.  I withdraw my question.)  

There's just something special about American taxpayer money thrown wildly at a problem that just gives Liberal weenies that good ol' warm and fuzzy feeling like nothing else.  They've spent more than $Six Trillion Dollars of borrowed money so far this year, and they're just getting started.  They've been doing it ever since I've been alive, and I believe they'll keep on doing it forever.  

The Bottom Line:  America's rate of atmospheric pollution is the lowest ever recorded and is going down year after year.  Don't expect us to pay them to stop them from committing suicide, and killing us in the process... 

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