Saturday, May 1, 2021

An Epiphany!

I should have seen it coming.

I'm smart enough to have figured it all out beforehand.

I least I thought I was.  I wasn't...

The screaming harpies from the hard-bitten Left in America continually harangue us about America being a "systemically racist" Country.  They like to tell us that America is also "institutionally racist."  Now, I don't know the difference between the two, but I have a feeling they're both bad.  

In fact, I don't know the real definition of either charge, but I'm sure the O'Biden Camp will supply one.  

I've fought back against the charge that America is either "sytemically racist" or "institutionally racist."  I believe it's both scurrilous and inflammatory, and has no basis at all in fact.  And yet, the blow-dried, talking-heads on MSDNC and the Clinton News Network continually preach to us that we're all racists.  Oh yeah, and homophobic and Islamophobic and Trans-phobic and all the other "phobics" they can conjure up.  They know it to be true, they say.  They can look outside from the windows in their Mid-Town Manhattan office buildings and see it.  All of it.  Everyday.

I've told them they're lying.  They've told me that whether or not I'm a racist, I live in a racist Country and it needs to be remade in a more "fair" (read socialist) way. 

I thought we were at a "Mexican standoff."  That's an old term arising from the Mexican War of Independence, BTW.  Thought I'd pass that along before I got "cancelled."  Anyway, I couldn't figure out any way to try and convince the crazies on the Left that they were, well, crazy, when it hit me!  Like a ton of organically-farmed tofu!  They think their America is racist.  

They're right!!!

They are confessing to living in a racist and sexist and homophobic and yada yada yada country!  We are not!  Sooooo, it stands to reason, there must truly be TWO SEPARATE COUNTRIES!!!  Two countries separated not by a border, but by ideologies!  Ideologies born of decades of teaching that America is a bad country.  And they are the result.

There's the country in which the Left-wing loons reside, and ours.  But since 40% of our population lives in only 10% of our land mass, and that 65% of our population lives in what's termed "big cities," as defined by a population of over 250,000, and the Dinosaur Media lives right in the middle of this morass of fetid, steaming Liberalism, it's kind of tough for the Conservative voice to gain traction.  

That means it's kind of tough for the word to get out that there that there's is no "institutional racism" or "systemic racism" in Our Country.  Maybe theirs, not ours.  We look around and see a wide assortment of races, all seeking, and many finding, the American Dream.  That's why we are so flummoxed at the bleatings of these TV studio pundits.  I guess the truth is out: they live in a racist, sexist, yada yada country, and we don't.  And we wish they would stop trying to get us to agree to their "cure" when we don't have their illness...

I offer this little screed in the hope that it will find someone who lives in "their" America to understand that they are hoping to someday find the peace and harmony we now enjoy.  And if they don't stop getting in our faces and messing with our peace and harmony, we're going to do what Thomas Jefferson advised way back when if confronted by an unresponsive government.  And it's not going to be pretty to watch...

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