Friday, September 20, 2024

"The Sky is Falling!

It seems that we humans are never satisfied.  When things are bad, we bitch.  And when things are good...

                       ...we bitch.

Remember the old story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf?"  He screamed and shouted that a wolf was ready to attack.  The citizenry got all worked up, mounted a posse and went hunting for that mythical wolf.  Never found him, BTW.  

And how about "Chicken Little?"  That fowl critter ran around all over the place screaming, "The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!"  He got the villagers agitated and worried.  He sounded a lot like Albert Gore, the guy who won an Oscar back in the '80's for trying to hippppmotizzzz us all with his little movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," into thinking "Global Cooling" would kill us all.  

Gore, who sports the very largest light bill in all of Nashville, what with his 20,000 sq. ft. house and all, believed that carbon emissions had something to do with sea levels.  And that Miami would be frozen solid by...get this...the year 2000!  

Time Magazine sported a front page back then proclaiming, "A New Ice Age!"  

Really!  Google it!

So Albert went home and hid under his bed because he was so wrong.  And such a dick.  But now, 25 years later, he's back.  With a new twist on the same old story.  Except now, it's "Global Warming!"  Or "Climate Chaos."  Or now, "Climate Change."  Because it polled best.  

BTW, the climate, that's the weather the day after tomorrow, has always changed.  And it always will.  So what's the problem? 

Imagine that.  The "weather" is what's happening outside today.  Right now.  The "climate" is what will possibly, quite likely, maybe, could be - happening tomorrow, and the next day, and next week.  The "climate" tends to change, now don't it?  

Has Chicken Little come to town?

And Miami will now be under water by 2030.  Or maybe 2050.  Whichever polls the best.  We have to drive electric cars!  They say we must do so, and by no later than 2035!  Or so has demanded our own BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom.  He just woke up one morning, drank a glass of his own vineyard's wine, which his Godfather J. Paul Getty bought for him, and issued an edict.  A PROCLAMATION!  Not 2034, not 2036.  But 2035 on the dot!  He stated that the 15% of the U.S. population that "live" in Taxifornia hate oil (he says) and wants to drive growed-up, high-priced golf carts (he says).  

Exceppppppppt, only those who live in places with short commutes and ready charging access bought these overpriced buggies.  Some 16.7% of all new cars sold here in CA last year were Teslas.  Proving once again that you can fool some of the people damn near all of the time.  

And another 2.4% bought EV's from other manufacturers.  And even so, last September EV sales dropped off the deep end.  More than 30%.  People just stopped buying them.  And I believe it's because everyone who wanted one.....had bought one.  

Cue the "Cuisinart Effect" music.

And some of us, mainly the young and impressionable, are now throwing paint on old Dutch Master portraits and chaining themselves together to shut down interstate highways.  For that will SURELY get commuters and art lovers on their side, right?  I'm guessing the folks who live on the Upper East Side are already on their side.  They cannot continue to live and breathe and reproduce until or unless we stop drilling for oil and gas.  Entirely.  Completely.*

Even though our entire economy, in fact, the World's economy, is based upon oil and gas.  But let's not try and confuse them with facts.  It never works.  Because they need a reason to believe,

            "The Sky is Falling!"

*    I've got an idea.  Since they get their news only from TikTok, how about we run an ad campaign designed to convince them we've stopped drilling?  Completely?  Just up and stopped, and went entirely to windmills.  It wouldn't be true, but almost none of the stuff on TikTok is true!  Like the fact K. Harris has been reinvented as a "moderate."  Just run some ads and maybe then they'd go on home, open up a bon bon, drink a latte, and think about the next thing they need to hate...

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