Monday, September 9, 2024

"It Was At That Moment That I Knew..."

I remember the day like it was three hours ago.

I'd lived my life up until that day apolitically.  No special preference for one party over the other, except to say my leanings were always Conservative.  As someone from the Upper Midwest most often tends to be...

I was like most folks in their 20's or 30's.  Those who had yet to start making the $Big Bucks, so they had yet to be raped in the paycheck.  I was too busy trying to make my mark in business to spend too much time on politics back then.  My wife and I had just started a bidness and I had no time for atmospherics.  I kept my head down and charged ahead.

I moved to California when it was still Bright Red, I should say.  So I didn't have too much worry about how they were managing my State.  Gubmental intrusion was low, and so were the taxes.  So I left it to the Professionals to run my Golden State.

While I, The Chuckmeister, luxuriated in its riches.  Its manifold blessings, which I'll attribute to God until somebody can prove me different.  You could snow ski in the morning, and water ski in the afternoon.  Kids in hot rods were cruising the streets and people hadn't yet decided to pay $9.00 for a cup of coffee.  That infernal Internet had yet to be invented so folks spent their time talking to each other.  Nobody was coming for the 2nd Amendment, Freedom of Speech had broken out, and we were all left to create our own image of success.  

Two terms of Reagan, two terms of Wilson, what's not to like?  And then I watched the Tonight Show with Johnnie Carson one night.  Late 1993 or '94, I think it was.  He had Julia Roberts on as a guest.  It was right after "Pretty Woman" so she was riding high.  She volunteered during the interview that she was a Bright Blue Democrat.  And that; 

"We could find Republicans in the dictionary by looking between "Reptile" and "Reprehensible.' 

I was stunned!  To think that a celebrity, someone who earns her bloated living at the whim of the public, would volunteer an opinion designed to insult half the population, outraged me.  And astonished me!  To think she'd be so stupid, so unaware of the reality just outside that artificial "bubble" in which she lives, to stick her Jimmy Choos down her pampered throat.  

As I was flying on bidness a lot back then, and had no time for hobbies, I chose to write down the names of every actor and celebrity who openly and publicly shot off their mouths in public and showed their disdain, their hatred, for all things Republican.  And Conservative.  When my list grew to 300, I gave up...  

It became obvious to me: Hollywood is filled to the brim with Liberal Democrats.  Or socialists.  Or Marxists.  Or communists, whatever.  I don't even think they know.  In fact, I think they try and Out-Lib each other in order to insure those cocktail party invites keep coming.  It may even be that those leaning Conservative try and hide it so as to fit in.  We've all suspected that so-called "artists" tend to be a bit Leftoid, right brain and all that, but I didn't think they'd admit it!  Even be proud of it!

And it's gotten worse ever since.  Not a day passes without one of the many loudmouth Hollywood types lighting a fire under their own image.  Their own reputation.  Saying stuff to impress each other that's heard across the Fruited Plain!  And them being so  unaware.  To think!  There are movie theaters in Grand Island, Nebraska, and Little Rock, Arkansas, and Fort Worth, Texas!  

Did you see Speilberg and Clooney helping to "select" our new POTUS?  I wonder if they know that the reason their business is crashing and burning is because they've ceased being actors and artists and started being politicians?  And that they've alienated the movie-going public in the process?  

We, the movie-going and entertainment-consuming Public, don't need to be taught, or lectured, or browbeaten, or looked down upon.  We spend our money to be entertained.  If they won't give it to us, the way we want it, we'll get it somewhere else.

And we are.

As much as I disagree with Tom Cruise from a lifestyle standpoint, I recall a statement he made one morning on the "Today Show."  When asked his position on a political issue he said, "I'm an actor.  I keep my opinion to myself.  That way I don't turn off half the population."  No wonder he's been so successful.

Other Hollywierdos should take Tom's advice.  But they don't.  And they won't.  Because they're talking only to each other, not us.  

As we go into the Election Season, just make note of all the uber-Libs who promise to move out of the Country if Big Orange is reelected.  Cher and Babs have already weighed in, and so has Rosie O'.  There will be more. 

I hope this time they'll keep their promise... 

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