Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Safety? You Want Safety?

You might be surprised to learn that fully 8.3% of our citizenry across the fruited plain holds a Concealed Carry (CCL) License (FBI, March, 2024).

That means each of them are likely fully trained, experienced and licensed by their respective states or counties to carry a firearm on their person, concealed from our view.  From the view of Bad Guys, especially. 

Making anyone near them safer.  Much safer.  And the Bad Guys at risk.  With extreme prejudice...

They realize that we live in a dangerous society and "Never Leaving Home Without Protection" is a really good idea.   

And you might also be surprised to learn that if we were to somehow manage to subtract California, Oregon and Washington from our National Map, the percentage of licensed Concealed Carriers would go up to 11.9%!  And removing New York would up it to 13.1%!  Just imagine how much it would jump if we removed the rest of the Big Blue States?*

(Eliminating the 50 Biggest and Bluest Cities from the statistics would lower America's National Crime Rankings by 84%!)

And you might also be surprised to learn that 13.7% of Florida's 22,000,000 citizens now have CCL's.  Available for the asking.  Every fifth citizen is packing in Florida.  Causing trouble anywhere around those folks with a pistol in their pocket is Bad Business.  Maybe that's why Florida's crime rates have plummeted! 

Heard about anybody trying to carjack anyone in Florida lately? 

Why the desparity?  Because CA, OR and WA, and so many other Big Blue States, have done a spectacular job of disarming their citizenry.  They've made it harder to qualify to own a firearm, harder to buy one, more expensive to buy one,** harder to buy ammunition, harder to store it legally, harder to transport it legally, illegal to carry it openly, or on their persons, and almost impossible (depending upon the County) to gain approval to carry it concealed.

Whew!  Plus our BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom has authored 122 Executive Orders chipping away at the 2nd Amendment.  So far.  One would have to surmise that Taxifornia's Guvner and Legislature really hate guns!  And wants to disarm its populace macht schnell!***

(Thank God Riverside County's Sheriff Chad Bianco knows how to read, informing him that we citizens  should always have the Right " keep and bear arms."  As the Constitution guarantees.  And as reaffirmed by the Supreme Court.)

All while they're steadily releasing hardened felons from their prisons.  Taxifornia has released more than 92,000 convicted criminal felons while "Hairgod" has been in power.  He's even turning San Quentin into a boys' club.  A summer camp for repeat offenders!  Really!  

Nothing for our homeless Veterans, mind you, because they probably vote the wrong way, but lots of goodies for illegal immigrants.  Ain't BoyGuv nice?  With our money?

27 of our States now offer their citizens the Right to carry a firearm concealed.  Only those States which either fear their citizens, or believe them to be too dangerous or too stupid to be afforded Constitutional Rights, deny them the safety firearms could afford.  

Our Gubmint's first responsibility is to protect us citizens.  Does this seem like our leaders are doing their jobs?  Maybe it's time for a change?

Imagine how much safer you'd be if every third person was armed.  Or every other citizen.  Or maybe everyone, just like it was in Old West Dodge City.  Where everyone was nice and polite.  If you happened to bump into some dusty cowpoke while bellying up to the bar at the Long Branch Saloon, you'd say, "Please excuse me, sir!"  Because that guy was packing heat.  Just like everyone else...   

Unlike Chicago, for instance, where 45 poor folks were shot last weekend.  Do you see how being disarmed can lead to lead poisoning?

Imagine how much different a prospective carjacking would go if you had a nice, light .38 Special in your wasteband or purse?  Or a 9 mil, your choice?  But there are unfortunately wolves in this world, and the rest are sheep.  But we can decide whether to be a wolf or a sheep.  And taking every reasonable step to secure your safety and the safety of your family and friends should be an easy choice.  3,500,000 Americans are now buying firearms every single month.  How do you choose?  

Just remember, an armed society is a polite society.   

*         There are no official estimates of the percentage of Concealed Carriers if all the Big Blue State were somehow removed from our National Map.  My own personal estimate has it north of 20%...

**       Taxifornia's Democrat Supermajority Legislature just doubled the sales tax on firearms and ammunition.  From 11%, one of the highest in the Nation, to 22%.  It's unconstitutional, of course, as is most everything else they do.  But why do it?  Because they say it will raise $160,000,000.  That they'll have to play with.  For dinners at the French Laundry and such.  Ain't America grand?  

***     Pardon my German, but we're  heading down the very same path Hitler did in 1936 when he disarmed his citizens.  Which Harris says she wants to do.  Except 110,000,000 of our citizens still own more than 525,000,000 firearms.  And I doubt they'll give them up without a fight.  I know I won't...

1 comment:

  1. I was at Dollar General and found a small, Mace that I can carry in my phone wallet. The price was less than $3 because it was a clearance item. But, in order to buy it, I had to show my driver's license...and then THEY HAD TO SCAN IT. Apparently proving I'm over 21, ore even elderly wasn't enough. I have now in some database a record of buying Mace. Frankly, I found it offensive! It's not much if any real protection, but apparently they want to know I buy Mace more than they want to know the names of over 12,000 migrants who come. Criminals, squatters, migrants have more protection and rights than citizens.


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!