Sunday, September 1, 2024

The "Makers" vs. the "Takers."

If you venture to Google or Wikipedia or even Websters' New Collegiate Dictionary (I actually saw one of those the other day!) and ask for the core values of Democrats vs. Republicans, this is a summary of what you'll see:

Republicans:  (aka "Conservatives").  They like things more or less the way they are, and never desire change solely for its own sake.  That includes keeping taxes low, our Gubmint small and responsive, our borders secure, men out of womens' sports (why do we even have to ask?), no unnecessary abortions, keeping the 1st and 2nd and 4th and 5th Amendments and the Bill of Rights to our Constitution strong, our police fully funded, criminals all locked away and our military top notch.  

Democrats:  (aka "Liberals," "Progressives," "Socialists," "communists," "Marxists." and of course, "LGBTQ- ABC123+++'s").  They're never happy with things the way they are and are always open to change.  They believe in high taxes, so long as someone else is forced to pay them.  They want their Gubmint BIG,  their taxes HIGH, White people and Jews in the back of the bus, transgenders everywhere, men beating the crap out of women in sports, abortions legal until the 3rd grade, our Borders Wide Open, Veterans treated like crap, our military underfunded, Free Speech and Firearm Ownership and the Right to be Secure in your Papers and Effects abolished, and Citizenship for everyone!  Come on in! 

There it is:  The Right vs. the Left.  The "Conservatives" vs. the "Liberals."  The "Ying" vs. the "Yang."  Those who like it the way it is, or "was," and want to turn back the clock, and those who want to change it for the (perceived) "better," even if it destroys America.  For which they appear to have great disdain.  Like "packing" the Supreme Court.  Which they universally desire.  And eliminating the filibuster.  Which they universally desire.  Resulting in the age-old battle between the "haves" and the "have-nots."

And as you know, I'm a student of such things.  And I've managed to summarize this entire political battle in the following way:

"Conservatives have worked hard for what they've got, and they want to keep it."


"Liberals don't want to work at all, and believe the Gubmint owes them a living."   

There you have it.  The "Makers" vs. the "Takers."  The "Makers" in our society, those who produce products and services of value, for which people are willing to work and pay money.  Let's say the top 5% of income earners, are you ready for it?  Pay 41% of all Federal Income Taxes.  The "Takers," the bottom 48.5% of income earners in our society, pay $00.00 of all Federal Income Taxes.  

As in, none.  Yet, they have a full vote come Election Day.

Ummmm, do you think that's fair?  I mean, "they" talk incessantly about the "rich" failing to pay their "fair share."  Is 37% of every dollar they earn taken by the Gubmint in taxes, "Fair?"      

Is a Zero, Nada, Zilch contribution to Federal Taxes from those who earn up to a Middle-Class Income "Fair?"

Peaceful animals on the plains of the Serengheti are constantly on guard.  Because there are predators who spend all day every day trying to turn them into lunch.  Democrats don't want to turn Republicans into lunch.  Or not just yet, I believe.  Just a bunch of muffled dairy cows they can constantly "milk," and then redistribute their unearned gains for votes. 

That's why you'll notice that more than One Hundred Fortune 1,000 companies have relocated from what used to be the "Golden State," to Greener Pastures.  Because all pastures are greener.  Especially now that CA has adopted America's Highest Personal Taxation Rate.  You'll now pay 14.4% of your income over that you pay to the Feds if you're very successful.  Yet, you can be successful in Florida, or Texas, or Tennessee, or any of another 17 states and pay ZERO state taxes.  And then take the money you get to keep and invest it in your business.  And then hire more employees.

Hurray for Capitalism!  Except in Taxifornia and the Big Blue States! 

You may have heard that Chevron will relocate 8,000 of its employees from Taxifornia (highest taxes in the Nation!) to Houston, Texas (ZERO taxes!)  Of course.  Joining Tesla and SpaceX (and their 14,000 employees), and Oracle (20,000), and Toyota (34,000) fergodssake!  Plus another 100 other Fortune 1,000 corporations.  Representing hundreds of thousands of highly-paid citizens.  More than 1,100,000 escapees, so far.  Many more to follow if the Election turns bad.  And by "bad" I mean more of the same...  

And BoyGuv seems not to care.  He's too busy trying to figure out how to "help" Harris lose so he can win in 2028.

"So here's the deal," as our undereducated cops like to say.  You can be among the "Makers" and work hard and learn and earn and live the high life.  Or you can goof off and slouch around and piss and moan about the rotten hand life dealt you.  Proclaiming to the world that you're a "Taker," putting it on notice that you're also a loser.  Demanding that the Gubmint take care of you.  Sort of like everybody becomes Hunter Biden.  Perhaps without so many drugs and hookers and thievery and a daddy in the Orval Orifice, of course.   

It's up to you.  You have but one life.  You can jump on board the "Makers" train and be a winner.  Or you can follow the "Takers" into oblivion. 

There you have it.  The choice is yours.   Either way, the "culture war" continues.  And only those who run like bandits to where it isn't raging out of control, like here in Taxifornia, have a chance to survive this bleak "Serengheti."

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