Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Some Worrisome Statistics...

There are currently 89,768 prisoners in California State jail cells.  

That's down from 129,778 at the beginning of the Chinese Wuhan Killer Bat-Blamed Coronavirus Pandemic.

And there are additionally more than 51,200 prisoners in California county jail cells.  Also down from 87,655 at the beggining of the Pandemic.

The Indians (Woo Woo, not Red Dot) don't publish their jail cell occupancy figures.  Sovereign Nation, and all that...

In other words, Democrats who control this once-Golden State have paroled or otherwise released more than 75,000 lawbreakers, Felons all, in just the past 2 years.

Actually, BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom had previously paroled or otherwise released another 17,000 felons since his office had been bought for him (San Fran Pelosi is his Aunt, J. Paul Getty was his Godfather).

And since we now know that the average number of arrests before hard-time incarceration is 37, we also now know that there are some 75,000 hardened felons patrolling our neighborhoods.  Maybe hoping to make it 38?

There are 1,998,675 jail cells in America.  That includes all the township, city, county, Indian Nation and Federal jail cells.  But there are currently more than 4,590,000 felons out on bail.

And you might be interested in knowing that some 250,000 of them have decided to just blow off their court dates.  Warrants have been issued.  7,784 of them are accused murderers.  8,543 of them are accused of domestic violence.  6,998 of them are accused carjackers or armed robbers.  3,459 of them were arrested for DUI.  A not-so-nice bunch, wandering our streets, looking for some more trouble.  And bail bondsmen biting their nails...

And trust me, it's almost impossible to obtain the above data.  Just Google "How many out on bail?" and you won't get an answer.  You have to spend a couple of hours, like I did, and ask creatively the same question, around the edges, twenty times in order to find out.  

To find out they don't have enough cells in which to put us! 

And they cannot build more because the AOC's of the world won't let them.  The Liberals don't believe in incarceration, and are doing everything they can to release all the rest of them!  Remember, I mentioned above that BoyGuv has released so many prisoners they had to lay off a bunch of guards!  And their union started making waves about their jobs going away.  

So criminals do a crime and get caught.  Against the odds, BTW.  They then get booked, and released on "O.R."  That means "Own Recognizance."  As in, "No Cash Bail."  Over, and over, and over, and over.  Until someone somewhere says, hey!  This guy's a criminal, he just "___," or "____," or "_____."  Fill in the blanks.  From robbery to rape to burglary to carjacking to murder.

When you don't punish bad behavior, you get more bad behavior!  

I'd say it's time we do something about it!  A vote to change it on November 5th would be a good start... 

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