Monday, August 10, 2020

The Day the Shark Got Jumped...

Listen up, fellow Patriots!  You're going to learn about the absolute dumbest, stupidest, most ridiculous and foolish effort by a committed Marxist dweeb to "cancel" the Constitution, throw a bomb into a reelection campaign, and give the finger to America's gun owners, all in one tawdry lawsuit. 

The Facts:  New York State's Attorney General Lititia James just sued the National Rifle Association, it's management and its Board.  
Her 177-page lawsuit says she wants to put its leaders in jail and make the entire organization go away.  


She campaigned for her office back in 2018 promising to "get" Donald J. Trump and to put the "terrorist" NRA out of business.  She's so far failed to accomplish the former, but she's still dead-set on accomplishing the latter.

Yes, fellow Patriots, those of us in the know have known for years, nay for decades, that the Democrats (Liberals, Progressives, socialists, communists, Marxists, squishy weenies, etc.) wish to disarm the American public (defenseless people are sooooo much more compliant!).  All one has to do is to review the rash of legislation and litigation over the past few years to know that anything that can be pointed and goes "boom," is on the Liberals' hit list.  California, as a (sad) example passes an average of 9 new pieces of anti-gun legislation each year.   

But what we do know is that so-called "blue" states, those owned and controlled for decades by far-Left Democrats, New York being a prime example, wishes desperately to outlaw guns.  And, the organization that represents the folks who own them, as well.  That would be me and (hopefully) you.  New York passed a law last year that attempted to force the NRA's liability insurance provider to stop selling it coverage (tortious interference, perhaps?).  Without liability insurance it could not continue in business.  Her intention, no doubt.  They were able to secure alternate coverage just prior to having to pull the plug.  Yeah, that's pretty low...

And we know that NY, like another dozen or so deep "blue" states, have outlawed, or severely limited access to, so-called "assault weapons."  Those are the scary-looking black sporting rifles, of which there are more than 15 million currently owned, that are almost never used in mass shootings, but that trigger Leftists into throws of angst and anger and self-flaggelation.  

(NOTE:  Rifles and other long guns are used in less than 3% of all shootings.*)  

But that's not enough.  Just outlawing the most popular Modern Sporting Rifles, which is what these semi-automatic weapons are called, isn't enough.  Not nearly.  NY's Attorney General has not only sued the NRA's leadership for all sorts of waste and fraud and abuse, but she's also demanded that the NRA be shut down!  Put out of business!  Eliminated!  Dissolved!  

A bit extreme, don't you think?  So much so that New Yorkers' gun purchases are up 121% over the same time a year ago. **

The NRA's President, Carolyn Meadows, she of the female persuasion, calls the action "...a baseless, premeditated attack, designed to suppress our members' 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights."  She could have also added that it's a cheap political trick with no chance of success (it's already been appealed), designed to score points with the Liberal press and Democrat voters and nobody else, while also costing the NRA loads of money it just might have donated to Trump's campaign.  

She could have added that, but she didn't.  I just did...

For purposes of background, the National Rifle Association is the oldest and largest 501(c)(3) Public Benefit Corporation in the United States.  It was incorporated on November 17, 1871, and has been representing the goals and objectives of its 2nd Amendment Member advocates ever since.  It exists to assist gun owners in firearm training, school safety and safe usage, and nothing more.  And there are currently more than 5 million of them!  And they all pay annual dues!  And if you really, REALLY wanted to energize 5 million, dues-paying firearm advocates, of which there are more than 100 million, I cannot think of a better way to do so than for an avowed Leftist to try and shut down the organization to which they belong.  Can you?

Every one of those 5 million dues-paying members has friends and family and co-workers and acquaintances over whom they hold sway.  Wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins of gun owners are influenced by them, and therefore tend to vote pro-gun.  It's been estimated that up to 15 million prospective voters are therefore so influenced, and they are therefore likely to be pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, and pro-Republican.  And they vote!  

BTW, just over 60 million voters elected our last POTUS.  A 15 million voter bloc is substantial...

So if you really wanted to supercharge a special interest group, firearm owners in this case, simply try to put their main organization out of business.  This would be like the Alabama Attorney General suing to put Planned Parenthood out of businessFor purely political reasons.  After all, trying to destroy an organization 90 days before a General Election, when the members of that organization are expected to vote against your candidate, as is the case here, and hamstring it with legal machinations and burden it with an absurd amount of legal costs, is nothing if not a neon-bright signal that this A.G. and her Party cares not a whit about the law or the people she's sworn to protect and serve.  Rather, she's announced publicly that she is trying to silence the voices of a group that doesn't share her ideology.  This, fellow Patriots, is the "cancel culture" on steroids.  Have we really been reduced to this, people?  Have we gotten to the point where politicians will actually state, out loud, that they intend to violate both the spirit and the intent of not only their oath of office, but of impending legislation?  

Yes, I'm sorry to say that we have...

By this action she's "jumped the shark."  (Google that if you need to know the reference.)  "August 6, 2020."  Mark that date down for future reference.  It will be remembered as the day the 2020 General Election really got started, and the day Joe Biden's chances at becoming POTUS...began to crater.  Badly...

Me thinks this may have been an "October surprise."  In early August...

*     FBI statistics, March, 2019.
**    FBI statistics, June, 2020

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