Sunday, August 2, 2020

A Toxic Endorsement.

Every member of the National Basketball Association's New Orleans Pelicans and Utah Jazz kneeled during the playing of the National Anthem at its Opening Day game.

Oh, and all the coaches.  And all the referees.  All of them.

Annnnd, fellow Pilgrims, displayed in enormous black letters splayed all across the side of the court is the message, "Black Lives Matters" (BLM).

And, we're told, all the other NBA teams will display this same message on their courts, and will proudly welcome their players kneeling when our Flag waves and our National Anthem plays at their upcoming games.  And the NFL has announced that its teams will likewise display such messages on their fields, as well as permit their players to display decals and stickers and patches on their uniforms with little "social justice" messages.  Annnnd, just for good measure, just in case we proletariat fans might have missed the message, the NFL will play "Lift Ev'Ry Voice in Song," the purported "Black National Anthem," before every game.  How "woke." 

BTW, I didn't know that Black people had their own National Anthem.  Did you?  Did they?

In essence, the NBA and the NFL, and NASCAR, and who knows who else, is now openly, and proudly, endorsing BLM. 

Wowser, Batman!  Have we ever come a long way from the time Tim Tebow was fined for taking a knee to God for a good play, and when NFL players tried to honor five murdered Dallas cops with a decal on their shoes, and were refused, and today, where showing pride in your Country is apparently no longer either welcomed or tolerated!   

Well, fellow Pilgrims, I'm kind of wondering if all these basketball players, who are more famous for their height and their bank accounts than for their intellect and their I.Q.s, have taken the time to look into what they're actually supporting when they endorse "BLM?"   

Sooooo, just in case they did a "ready, fire, aim," just to make sure they weren't the last to get "woke," just to make sure they haven't "screwed the pooch," as Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton used to say, let me list a few things for which the BLM folks list as demands on their website:

     -  BLM demands the defunding of all police.  Not just some defunding, not redirecting, not minimizing, all of it.  As in, remove police funding.  They don't want police on the street, for the same reason, I would assume, the Mafia wouldn't want MS-13 on the street.  Reduced competition, I guess you could say.

     -  BLM demands that we dismantle capitalism and replace it with socialism.  And then later with Marxism, their preferred political system.  As in, if you have stuff, it's now theirs.  If you work, you now work for them.  If you've got something to say, don't say it.  Got it?  The NBA and its basketball players must now fully support all of BLM's goals and objectives, else they wouldn't have endorsed it, right?

     -  BLM demands we break down and then eliminate the nuclear family.  Nuclear, as in, moms and dads.  They don't believe in fathers and mothers.  They want the community to raise your kids, not you.  Sort of like Cuba, and China, and North Korea.  Well, not "sort of" like, exactly like.  Remember Hillary's book, "It takes a village?"  Yeah, like that... 

     -   BLM demands that Israel be eradicated.  As in, destroyed!  As in, do away with it.  Blow it up.  Like that.  Isn't that sort of racist?  As in, antisemitic?  Sure it is, but no one cares if you're a socialist.  NBA basketball players must believe that Israel has no right to exist.  Otherwise they wouldn't support BLM, right?  But the NBA and its players, do.  Do you?

     -  BLM demands unfettered abortion.  Anytime, anywhere.  Certainly up to and including the moment of birth.  And presumably up to and including the third grade.  If you're for it, then you and BLM are simpatico.  Like NBA players, apparently...

     -  BLM demands the elimination of the Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Why?  You'd have to ask them.  I'm guessing just because they think they can get away with it.

     -  BLM demands we close all our Federal prisons and immigrant detention centers.  It begs the question, what do we do with those who break the law?  I guess their answer do away with the laws...

     -  BLM demands the immediate elimination, including retroactive elimination, of all drug sentences.  No sentences, no prisons, no prisons, no prisonsers...

     -  BLM demands that we eliminate all past debts.  To everyone.  In other words, if you owe something to somebody, voila!  Now you don't.  I guess I'm kind of for that too...

     -  BLM demands a lifetime of absolutely free education for all undocumented immigrants (illegal aliens), including all who are, or were, ever incarcerated.  Well, okay then...

     -  BLM also demands that all illegal aliens be given the right to vote in all state and local elections.  (Hey BLM!  They already do so in CA, and NY, and MD, and NJ, and WA, and OR, and, and, and...).

     -  And lastly, BLM demands that your wealth be redistributed through reparations.  They want to take what you have and then give it to those who they deem more worthy.  They want to give your money and your property to those they believe are the descendants of slaves.  Or so they say.  The NBA and its players think that's a good idea.  Do you?

There are an entire list of demands that BLM says must be met.  I've only listed a few.  My research into this issue was minimal, and yet I discovered all of the above.  A visit to BLM's website might prove enlightening for everyone, including the NBA.

There's no question that the NBA and its players support and endorse "Black Lives Matters."  They couldn't be more adamant in their endorsement.  The only question is, how many of its fans will go along with them?  

P.S.  Basketball and the NBA is really big in China.  I wonder if these players will choose to kneel when the Chinese National Anthem plays?

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