Sunday, August 16, 2020

"E Pluribus Pluribus"

Our National Motto is "E Pluribus Unum."  That means, "Out of many, one."  

That's what America was supposed to be.  That's what America used to be.  It's even on our money!

I'm guessing it should now reasonably be changed to "E Pluribus Pluribus," for "Out of many, many."  For that's the way America is today, unfortunately.  

America was a Grand Experiment.  That's what they called it way back then.  For there never has been a country like America in all of human history.  A country based upon these immutable facts alone; we are all created equal, under God, and everyone is equal under the law.  That's it.  No factions, no little groups, no exceptions.

No "identity groups."  No "slicing and dicing" in order to pit one sub-group against another.  No Blacks, and Whites, and Reds and Yellows.  No rich and poor and young and old and urban and country.  Just Americans.  

America so enthralled a famed French philosopher and economist back in the 18th century, a guy named Alexis de Toqueville, that he wrote a book about our then nascent young country.  He predicted that the only thing that could destroy our American Dream was from the inside.  He feared our success could prove to be our undoing.  In fact, his opined that America could well cease to be as a Nation if politicians discovered they could buy votes using other taxpayers' money.  Ummm, gulp!  

I think we're there, Pilgrim!      

Those on our political "Right," conservatives and Republicans they are, wish us to continue as originally configured.  They seek to unite disparate groups into proud folks whose one common denominator is being "Americans."  No "hyphenated" Americans.  No Blacks, No Whites, no Reds or Yellows.  No rich, no poor, no urban or country.  Just Americans.  

And by my way of thinking, no "African-Americans."  Just "Americans."  I say, pick one.  Either be "African" or "American."  If you want the hyphen, I say, you've picked the wrong country in which to live.

But those on the political "Left," Liberals and Democrats and Progressives and socialists and Marxists and communists and those who scream at people in ice cream shops for not wearing their masks, are working hard to deconstruct us into little groups with individual interests, all fighting with each other for dominance.  For political and economic control.  For wealth!  For power!  One "identity" against another.  It's not pretty, folks.

Nor will it be.  So long as a Black man in Detroit is made to believe by opportunistic Democrat leadership that a White man in Rapid City, South Dakota has taken, or has been given, his share of the pie, we're destined for failure as a society.  

There is no "zero sum-gain," as then-POTUS Jimmuh Carter once called it.  There's just freedom for everyone to achieve according to his and her talents and abilities.  That's called "capitalism."  That little word enabled the founders of Apple to create an entire new industry and untold wealth for its shareholders.  NOTE:  The Apple folks didn't take anything from anyone in order to create their company.  They did not take a poor Black Arkansas sharecropper's mule in order to make their tony little phone.  It was all new ideas, all new technology, and all newly created wealth.

And BTW, not just Apple.  Include in this crowd MicroSoft, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, etc., etc., etc...

Of course, there are those who don't believe in capitalism.  There are those who wish to be given instead of earning.  For those I say, good luck.  You will not prosper in a Country designed around our Constitutional freedoms.  Remember, you have the Right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom."  You have to pursue it; it doesn't fall into your lap while watching a Jerry Springer re-run.  You'll just have heartache until you figure out it's easier and quicker and more profitable to cast aside socialism, embrace capitalism and start your own record of success.  

On the way out the digital door, let me just add that if you choose to believe those who promise that we can tax the rich so very much that you won't have to work for a living, let me offer up one of my favorite quotes:

     "Trying to make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift oneself up by the handles."

                                        -  Sir Winston Churchill  

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