Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Having a Little Fun With the Media...

We all know by now that the so-called "MainStreamMedia" not only hates The Donald, they detest everything he stands for, plans for, or attempts.  They hate the air he breathes.  They also detest all those who have supported him, or voted for him, or perhaps ever will.

Therefore, anytime he puts forth some sort of goal or objective for his Administration, almost no matter what it might be, such planning is met with howls of outrage and nearly unanimous negativity from the so-called "MainStreamMedia."  That would include the "Alphabet" channels, ABC, NBC and CBS.  And cable channels CNN, MSNBC, NPR and PBS.  And big-city newspapers like the New York Crimes and Lost Angeles Slimes, the Chicago Tribulations and hundreds of other left-wing rags.  

Their "questions" asked at White House press briefings prove it.  They are almost always "gotcha" questions designed only to provide the journalist asking them with a video clip to use in their network's evening news.  Head Dweeb Jim Acosta of the Clinton News Network has become infamous for such activities.  In fact, he even wrote a book about how cool he is and how the President sucks.  The last I heard the book wasn't doing so very well.  I guess all the members of his family has already received their free copy...  

One of my personal favorite questions was asked by a reporter for the Atlantic Magazine (I didn't know it was still in bizz!).  She asked, "Given that more people have died from the Coronavirus under your watch in six weeks then died in all of the Viet Nam War, why do you believe you deserve a second term?" 

Get it?  Not a question for which their readers need an answer, not a question for which there IS an answer, just a "gotcha'" designed to ensnare.  A question that blames the POTUS not only for the virus itself, which is laughable, but for his presumed failure to combat it in a timely fashion (see below).  And, most importantly, to elicit a negative response they can use on their network's nightly news.  

NOTE:  As a reminder, Trump shut down travel from China on January 31st and the United Kingdom on February 5th, 2020.  Chris Barbot, New York City's Health Commissioner, announced to everyone on February 2nd, "Join in the parades and don't believe the "manipulation"coming from the President."  And good ol' San Fran Nan Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown on February 24th, during which she loudly invited everyone, everywhere to come visit that famous tourist trap, and presumably spread the virus while so doing.  And (in)famous NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio (real name Warren Wilhelm, Jr.) proclaimed to a crowd on March 2nd, "Get out on the town in spite of the Coronavirus!"  

So given that all but a couple of our media organizations are Left-wing in the extreme, and that all but a couple of the reporters assigned to the White House Press Pool indicate that they vote Democrat (95.4%!), and that almost everything the Prez puts forth as a plan or strategy is universally panned as unworkable and unconstitutional and anti-American, suffering through a press conference today by the President's Press Secretary is similar to attempting to wade across the Zambezi River without becoming a crocodile's lunch.  

So knowing all of this, I suggest that POTUS take to the Press Room lectern on a Monday morning bright and early and proceed to lay out the very most Left-wing policy agenda in America's history.  

Trump could start by saying he intended to stop oil exploration in the Arctic, and open our borders to everyone from everywhere, and award free college to everybody, and appoint Alexandria Occasional-Cortex as Ambassador to the Vatican.

And that we should outlaw all semi-automatic firearms, including all those scary black ones that cause so many to get the vapors, and that "sanctuary cities" should be made mandatory, and that girls should receive prophylactic abortions at the age of 13, and that we should tear down all our statues, and eliminate our nuclear arsenal, and remove our Embassy from Jerusalem, and immediately register all illegal aliens to vote.  And then give them all a new car.  Of their choice...

Oh yeah, and proclaim that Hydroxycloroquine doesn't work.  

Then, the Press Pool will do what it always does; it will put out a torrent of negative news stories panning the entire list of stuff that the POTUS just put forth.  They will do their best to show that whatever POTUS wants is baaaaad!  That it will hurt America and hurt Black people and hurt The Poor and hurt the hungry and hurt the downtrodden.  And hurt the environment and hurt animals.  But then...

The POTUS should take to the lectern on the following Wednesday a.m. and state that he was just kidding on Monday.  That he meant none of what he'd said and desired none of what he'd put forth.  That he was 100% against everything that he'd listed previously, and wished America to know it.  And that the only reason, THE ONLY REASON that he'd announced such plans was "mask-hysteria."  That's the disease you get from wearing a mask for too long each day.  And that since he'd been wearing his mask too much it had made him crazy.  Oh, and also it was to showcase in neon-bright colors just how Left-wing the MSM truly is and how they lie like a rug and how America shouldn't trust a word they say.  And then we could all watch the "MSM" twist itself into rhetorical linguistic knots trying not to agree with the POTUS when they'd agreed with everything he'd said just a couple of days before.  

It would be glorious to watch.  And who knows, it just might work!      

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