Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Whatever Happened to America?

While we weren't looking, America, we went from a nation just cruising along, enjoying our preeminent place in the world, applauding our historic high stock market valuation and low unemployment rate, reveling in our newfound position as the world's largest producer of fossil fuels, and all of a sudden, 


I'll willingly offer up at this point to anyone who cares that the events of the past four months have left me gobsmacked! 

I would have never predicted any aspect of what we've all experienced and are experiencing.  And I doubt you would have either.  First, who predicts a pandemic?  There's never been one in our lifetimes, so predicting that one would occur would be a pretty bad bet.  And whether it was unleashed upon us intentionally, or by accident, at this point matters not.  It happened.  And we're fighting it.   

Second, who would have predicted that a rogue cop would kill a Black felon and ignite a firestorm of racial angst?  Not just that a rogue cop would kill a Black felon, as I'm sure that happens every now and then.  And so does a Black cop killing a White felon.  Same deal, pretty much.  But rather that this particular rogue cop would kill this particular Black felon, at a particular time extremely convenient if one were planning to start a revolution.   

It's as if a plug was pulled and a well-spring of vicious, destructive, nasty, mean-spirited anger and hate, supplied by a legion of disaffected, mainly-White youth, with no apparent rhyme or reason, was Hellishly unleashed upon all of us.

And who besides me thinks this whole thing was carefully planned and orchestrated by those who wish to destroy America?  By those just waiting for an event they could use to start their revolution?  Riots don't take place in only Democrat-run cities - on command - if those riots were unplanned.  The events that unfolded following Floyd's killing, in my opinion, removes all doubt...

Remember?  Two days after George Floyd died, May 27th, 38 Democrat-led cities were simultaneously attacked.  From Seattle to New York City, thousands of black-clad criminals rioted and looted and burned and pillaged.  Not in Republican cities, mind you, just those owned and operated by Democrats.  Democrats who put up no resistance to this shocking level of violence and destruction.  And most still haven't...  

This shocking level of violence is still on display in a number of Democrat-run cities as this is written.  Not available for your viewing, I'd add about here, because all but one or two "MainStreamMedia" (MSM) channels refuse to even hint that it exists.  They all call it "peaceful protesting."  So far we've had more than 1,000 of our cops injured and 18 killed in riots since Floyd died.  Is that "peaceful protesting?" Keep ignoring that, MSM...  

But as what Rush Limbaugh calls a "seasoned citizen," and as a guy who's worn the uniform and stands for the Flag, I have to confess that my absolute least likely prediction, ever, would have been that an entire generation of Americans would appear to absolutely hate it.  To seemingly detest the core principals that have heretofore united our Great Country.  "E Pluribus Unum."  From many, one.  I guess the Democrats changed it while we weren't looking, to "E Pluribus...Pluribus." 

I don't know about you, but I would never have guessed that millions of our young people would actually show disdain for the Country that gave them life and guaranteed them freedom.  And they seem surprised that some of us are shocked at their actions. 

And I'm surprised that they're surprised!  

When did we stop teaching patriotism?  Or even "civics" in general?  Did this failure occur in the home?  Or has it been in our schools?  Or both?  I tend to think that our schools are the primary culprits.*  If you consider that the administrators of our schools are likely of an age to have been a part of that "summer of love" anarchy back in the 60's and 70's, and that they proudly expressed their embrace of socialism and Marxism and even communism back then, they're now in a position to promote those same anti-American leanings they never lost, to teachers under their leadership who've been trained to dislike America from their freshman year in college.

Example:  The teachers and students of Saint Junipero Serra High School in the San Franpoopco Bay area first voted to change their school's name.  And then after that, their teachers helped them tear down Serra's statue... 

A friend confided in me the other day.  He said his daughter was a good, solid, Flag-waving patriot until he sent her off to college.  What he got back, he said, was something quite different...   

So while parents have been dutifully working and saving and paying their taxes so they could send their kids off to college, those colleges have been turning out little Marxists year-after-year.  And the events of the past four months have given us our first indication that the America we thought we had, we no longer have...

Tearing down statues.  Burning churches.  Looting department stores.  Wounding, and even killing, cops.  Is this what we've been paying for?  Is this what we've been working for?  Is this what our Fighting Forces fought and died for?  Is this what we want for our Country?  For our kids?  Are we proud of how this looks to those in other countries?  I think not...

Perhaps if we stopped paying an extra $600 a week, over and above normal state unemployment, in effect paying people not to work, these same rioters and looters and arsonists would have no choice but to leave their parents' basements and go back to work...

I believe that those of us who love America had best be on guard.  Our Country is under attack.  The beginnings of a full-fledged revolution are now underway.  Unless we salvage what's left of America, now, while we still have the chance, by whatever means necessary, I fear for our tomorrows... 

*  As per the FBI, "schoolteacher" is now the number one vocation of those arrested in recent "peaceful protests."  Let that sink in...  

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I agree! But, it's deeper than even this and more diabolical!


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!