Friday, January 12, 2024

"You Let a Camel Get His Nose Under the Tent..."

In case anyone ever wondered where all those  "Summer of Love" tie-died hippies from 1960's San Francisco ultimately wound up, I think I have the answer.

We know that everyone in SFO is a flaming Left-wing Commie Pinko Dummmasss Liberal Weenie, who loves drug-addled homeless loser derelicts camping on their sidewalks, and stealing their cars and robbing their stores.  While stepping over piles of sh*t and used needles, else they wouldn't live there. 

In fact, they wish they had more bums with needles sticking out of their arms.  And piles of sh*t to hop over.  

"And please guvner, can we have higher taxes?" 

No one else can stand to be around them for long if they're not infected with the same germ.  The one that makes them hate the idea that those who perform better should do better.  The (proven) idea of "meritocracy."  That placing "first" means somebody else had to place "second,"  Like the loser of the Super Bowl.  Awww!  Poor babies!

That's called "Capitalism," BTW.  And they hate it with a passion.

They've heard - in journo school - that capitalism requires effort.  And getting one's hands dirty, sometimes.  And that there are real, honest-to-goodness jobs that demand something other than moving pieces of paper around on a desk.  It sometimes makes one sweat (for those who don't know, we have glands to handle that).  It makes one get up early and stay up late.  And try to outdo other folks who don't work as hard.  Something perhaps members of "Gen-Z" folks might want to learn.  They pursue that dream, in order to live a better life.  For themselves, for their families, and indirectly, for their Country. 

And some think that's just too damned hard. 

Some think no matter how hard you work, you should wind up in exactly the same place as the winner.  Even  better than the winner, like the many men putting on a dress and out-competing women in women's sports.  After having failed to excel in the very same sports as men.  While right-thinking Conservatives notice and cry foul!  And left-thinking Liberals make it a point not to notice... 

That's why socialism was invented, me thinks.  The official "dumbing down" of society that permits even the least accomplished, the lowest performing, those who try not at all, to be rewarded with an equal share in the proceeds.  Just as big a slice of pizza as the guy who baked it.  Maybe even bigger.  Especially if they put on a dress and cry "favoritism!"  Or "sexism!"    

The actual definition of "Marxism."  

But as it happens, many of them wound up in journalism school (perhaps because it requires the least effort?) and became a part of our so-called "MainStreamMedia."  Which itself has become the Official Communications Department of the Democrat National Committee.* 

Plus, stepping over Fentanyl-addicted bums, making the sidewalks their home, as well as their toilets, forced many of these same Leftoids to disperse (even some "Progressives" have limits!).  To the winds, it would seem.  Some just couldn't take it.  And they wound up primarily in our Biggest and Bluest Cities.  Where welfare was plentiful and the doormat for socialists said "Welcome!"  The New Yawks, and the Lost Angeles-ses, and the Seattle-ses, and the Portland-zez, and the ChicaGO-zez.  To spew their own particular brand of Leftist nonsense to the undereducated masses.  

And there they stayed; toiling away (not!) around the water coolers at the big newspapers and TV stations.  To try and confuse our upcoming generations as to why America was invented, as if they knew.  And why it became the Greatest Country on Earth (they would dispute that).  And to therefore grow America's enemies.  From within...  

Oh yeah, as the old Arab saying goes, 

"You let a camel get his nose under the tent, pretty soon you have a camel in your tent."

*    If you take a look at our Constitution you'll discover that our Founding Fathers gave the Press special powers and protections.  It has been described as our 4th Branch of Government.  To keep our elected leaders open and aboveboard and honest.  Except now the MSMedia has been co-opted.  It now works for, and only for, the Democrats.  Which just gives the Conservatives an extra added incentive to prevail.  And to then systematically and forcibly deconstruct it as soon as another Election permits...

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