Monday, January 22, 2024

A Rainbow National Anthem?

And while I'm on the subject of football, my Dallas Texans won last night.  That's the good news.  

There's bad news, however.  In in its never-ending quest to be "inclusive," it seems the NFL, a bunch you know I just love to hate, has decided to include the so-called "Black National Anthem" in its little upcoming Super Bowl party.

Perhaps O'Biden's headlong rush toward "inclusiveness" has gone off the rails?

A "Black National Anthem?"  I thought we had ONE Anthem for us all!  Now, with the successful effort by our "Progressives" to shoehorn D.E.I. and C.R.T. and LBGTQABCDE123+++! into our fragmented society, we've digressed to the days before Lyndon B. Johnson.  Before Orville Faubis.  Before the Democrats' Ku Klux Klan, even, and all the trouble it caused.  

Must we now have separate water fountains, again?  Some of our biggest and most ivy-covered universities now have race-separate graduations.  Can "Colored" sections in the movie theaters be far behind?

So let's carry this through to its logical conclusion.  Since they just HAVE to have a "Black" Anthem, we must also have a "Yellow" Anthem.  And a "Red" Anthem.  And how about a "Jew" Anthem?  Or maybe a "Muslim" Anthem?  And wait a minute, how about a "Rainbow" Anthem?  That includes just gobs and gobs of disaffected folks, all yearning to have their own Anthem.  They all deserve representation, doncha' think?  Aren't they Constitutionally guaranteed representation?  And even though the NFL's players are 77% Black, shouldn't we sue the sh*t out of the NFL if they don't step up and provide it?

Or perhaps we should all go out and play pickleball instead of watching that outrageously outrageous demonstration of outrageous excess.*

Me thinks so...

*   (I don't play pickleball.  So I guess I'll go ahead and watch the game.)

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