Sunday, January 28, 2024

Open Warrants?

And while I'm bashing California, which is soooo easy to bash, if I told you that there are, right now, as of the date this unassuming little blog post is written, more than 252,000 open felony warrants here in Taxifornia, would you be surprised?

That means there are more than one quarter-million people out there who are wanted by our criminal justice system for felonies.  But have chosen to just ignore their court dates.  Just blew them off.  Pfffft!

Did you know that?

More than 2,800 are wanted for homicide.  630 for kidnapping.  And another 1,800 for sexual assault.  My question is, how did they get bail?  Who let these miscreants out of jail?  Or failed to jail them in the first place?  

Well, fellow Patriots, turns out that's the exact right question to ask.  And of course the answer is George Soros-installed District Attorneys, 50 of them, who will let anyone out of their crime for just about anything.  Lost Angeles' D.A. refused to charge more than 53% of all the felonies between 2020 - 2023.  And one of the reasons is pure infrastructure; we don't have enough jail cells to house all our killers, rapists and muggers.  

Let's take inventory, shall we?  We have 118 jails in our 54 California counties.  With a prisoner population as of September, 2023 of 91,733.  Which, interestingly, is 118.9% of maximum.  Which means, if we work the math backwards, we have just about 80,000 jail cells.  In total.  All Federal, State, county, city, and Indian Reservation hoosegows.  And 252,000 felons who have overstepped their bail!

Now do you see why they're rushing these felons out of jail?  In the front door and out the back?

We have another 177,900 out on probation.  And 107,139 on parole.  The simple truth is, we can't house all our criminals!  And we can't build more jails because the "Progressive" pukes don't believe in prisons.  And they have a strangle hold on 47 of our 54 counties and won't let them.  

Something about "racism," or "systemic unfairness," or something.

Oh yeah, and BoyGuv Newsom is closing three of our prisons!  And turning San Quentin into a recreation facility for wayward felons!  Really!*

Annnnd, BoyGuv has also released more than 62,000 hardened felons since his immaculation.  He's likely to have even more such outbreaks of Liberalism before he's forced out.  Dragged kicking and screaming, doncha' know...

Unless he's figured a way to pick the lock on the White House's back door...

So how are the dummies in charge intend to rectify this intolerable situation?  How do they intend to find these people and round them up?  They can't just permit them to roam around, can they?  Here's the real potential Constitutional crisis in this whole deal:

Our police and highway patrol are instructed by their "leadership" to ask everyone they contact in the course of their daily duties for their Identification.  

Everyone.  Everyone driving, everyone sitting in their cars, everyone riding a bike, everyone they're called upon to contact during calls for service on the sidewalk.  


Excepppppt, the 4th Amendment to our beloved Constitution specifies clearly that we must be...

" in our persons, papers, property and effects."

And California Public Law 148.G specifies that "In order for the police to Identify, one must be suspected of having committed a crime, be committing a crime, or be planning to commit a crime."  

In other words... crime, no I.D.  

Uh oh!  Houston, we have a problem!  We have a quarter-million scofflaw felons out there who should never have been let out, and we're in dire need to scoop up.  So this little "I.D." trick is the way they're going to try and do so.  Now, I'm sure most cops don't even know they're being ordered to violate a subject's civil rights by asking for I.D.  That's usually not pushed.  But demanding an I.D. is a civil suit that's cost a number of municipalities $Big Bucks.  One in Houston recently settled for $75,000.  Another in New York for $150,000.  Not chump change. 

And you do not need to have your identification grabbed and published by John Law.  Once your name and address are in the "system," you just might wind up on a "Do Not Fly" list...

So, note to citizens: you don't have to I.D.  Note to cops: you can lose your qualified immunity if you demand I.D. without first suspecting a crime has occurred.  And having to appear in court can be uncomfortable...

So, in the final analysis, because we don't have enough jail cells, we cannot jail all our felons.  And we're producing more of them every day.  So we let them roam around, potentially causing all sorts of mayhem, bodily harm and property damage.  All in the name of "Liberalism."  

And your BoyGuv is doing everything he possibly can to prevent you from buying or carrying or using a firearm to protect yourself.  112 anti-gun "Executive Orders," thus far, with more undoubtedly to come.     

Just sayin'... 

*   For those who don't yet know, your friend and mine, me, "The Chuckmeister," does his research.  Every number you see here has been carefully researched and is entirely, 100% accurate.  Which should scare the Hell out of you.  Scares the Hell out of me...  

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