Wednesday, January 17, 2024

$31 Million Dollars a Week!

We have it on good authority that the cartels who run Meheeeko are making $31,000,000 a week from illegally ferrying an unending supply of humankind into our once-Great Country!

$31 Million Dollars a Week!!!  With 3 exclamation points!!!

That's just about... 


That's what they extract from exporting illegals into America!!!!!  Under the noses of our supposed-Border Unprotected and Welcoming Committee!  And that's on top of their $Multi-Billion Dollar earnings from fentanyl!  Killing hundreds of thousands of our citizens!!!!!!!  

(Yes, I have more exclamation points!  Don't tempt me, 'cause I will use them!!!!)

Now then, we know from our cadaveric HSI Secretary, the Cuban-born HSI Secretary, the one who's ushering in all these future Democrat voters while swearing to us the Border is "secure," that we've seen more than 12,000,000 illegally enter our Country since Joe O'Biden was immaculated!  

                   12 Million!!!!!

We're told the cartels charge anywhere from $1,000 to as much as $50,000 for each illegal!!!!  And they're coming from everywhere!!!!!  Uzbekistan and Sri Lanka and even Burkino Faso.  One just arrived from Tibet yesterday, fergodssake!!!!!!!

Presuming that all of these illegal aliens will be blessed by Democrats with the right to vote one day soon, IT APPEARS THAT MEHEEEEEEEKO IS SELLING AMERICAN CITIZENSHIPS!!!!!!!!

So look, fellow Patriot.  If we cannot stop the Mumbler-in-Chief from importing new Democrats, at least it's a good business decision for us to do the collecting, doncha' think?  Instead of the cartels, doncha' think?

Doncha' think?

So let's put up card tables right next to the Rio Not-So-Grande, on our side of the Border, doncha' know.  With a cash register in plain view, and have US do the collecting!!!  That's the U. S.!  With bullet-proof Lexan all around it, doncha' know.  'Cause those cartels aren't gonna' be happy about us removing a primary (but not their only) revenue source.  They're gonna' be shooting at us!!  They've gotta' pay for those lavish mansions and Mercedes-Benzes, doncha' know!!!!

Since we have to feed, and clothe, and house, and educate all these visitors from way far away, FOREVER, at least we should get the up-front fee, right?  


Let's have those Border Patrol agents do something besides wet nurse a bunch of illegals.  Let's have them start being tax Revenoooers instead!!!!!!!!

I know a $Billion ain't much anymore, but at least it would be OUR $Billion!!!!!!!!! 

Oh yeah, and if any of those nasty coyotes get the idea to cause trouble, we could do some M-60 .30 caliber machine gun emplacements right next to each cash register.  With a 180 degree overlapping sweep.  Like every 100 yards.  And a couple of National Guard boys standing guard.  It might take a few 100-round bursts, and a few missing kneecaps, for our compadres to get the "drift," doncha' know, but I'm betting they would!!! 

Want some fun?  Cause some grief, you Meheeeeekano bozos!!!!!!!!!

(BTW, that same reasoning would go well with Iran.  I just wish our Mumbler-in-Chief, or whomever is pulling his strings, would use the amazing military hardware we've bought and paid for and are permitting him to use.  Or in his case, misuse.)

So maybe if we starve the cartels of a little bit of their cash, they'd stop trying to be our Immigration Agency and concentrate only on drug smuggling, like before.  Maybe if we lost 500,000 people a year to Fentanyl, instead of just 100,000, "The People" would force a change in Washington...  

  $31,000,000 A WEEK!  

Are you sh*tting me?

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