Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Last Freeway.

(This is Number 3 in this year's "Bash California" Series.  Please enjoy...)

I used to negotiate the Lost Angeles freeway system on a daily basis.  Against my wishes and better judgement, I might add.  But it was the only way I had to get to my customers.  Just like millions and millions of others who try and live here.  Creeping along, sometimes an inch at a time, taking hours where it should take only minutes.  With the heat radiating off my hood - and my forehead - in 100 degree heat, I always wondered how presumably smart people could take so much money and screw it up so bad over such a long, long time.  

So I did a little research (I do that a lot) and learned that one of the reasons is, we don't seem to build freeways any more!  In fact, you might be interested to learn that the very last freeway built in the (once)Great State of California was the "105."  

That bit of concrete stretches some 11.26 miles, only, connecting the northbound "605" Freeway in Fountain Valley, California, and the "5," in Cerritos, winding around from west to north and then back west, delivering you ultimately to the world-infamous LAX.  To its front door.  Thank you very much.  

That stands, of course, for Lost Angeles International airport.  The 4th biggest in the world and located in the middle of millions and millions of people.  (And some of the very worst neighborhoods anywhere.)

That "connector" opened on February 13th, 1993.  When California boasted only 21,359,459 people according to the Bureau of Statistics.  As opposed to today's 41,423,998.  Plus an unspecified number of illegal aliens (but in the Millions). 

Again, according to our Federal Gubmint.  Which has a propensity to lie.  Like a rug.  They started in Roswell, and haven't stopped since... 

I'd like you to think about that for a minute.  California's most recent freeway build was 31 years ago.  While our population has since DOUBLED.  Not counting the 10 or 12 million "guests" we have pitching tents on the Embarcadero.  Or on any of the stars on Hollywood's "Walk of Fame."  Do you think the 6th Largest Economy on the Planet, as BoyGuv "Hairgod" Newsom likes to boast, should put up with such crappy infrastructure enhancements?  

One friggin' freeway in three friggin' decades?  

Do ya,' huh?  

You should know that California pays the highest gas taxes in the Nation.  $0.63.5 per gallon!  So it's not like they don't have the $Cash.  And those gas taxes are earmarked for highway construction and improvement only!  So where's the new freeways, you delbert bozos?*  Our average unleaded gas now costs $5.19 right down the block.  It's a $Dollar higher up north.  We're told out here it's $3.89 back east.  And that's compared to the $2.89 the day that Donald J. Trump vacated the Orville Office.  

It costs folks twice-as-much to crawl upon our crowded freeways as it does in 46 other states.  And it takes twice-as-much time commuting to our two jobs as it does for folks in 50 other states.  And our car registrations cost more than in 42 other states.  And our car insurance is 89% higher than in 42 other states.**  No wonder people are leaving here in droves...

*     Nothing personal.

**   One of the primary reasons my wife and I started our own bizz.  Because commuting sucks!!!   

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