Friday, January 5, 2024

Let's do "DEI," in Sports!

According to Dr. Carol Swain, the Black academic who "Dr." Claudine Gay, the ex-Prez of Haaavid, plagiarized, more than 20 times, "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" is today's "Affirmative Action."

She said it, I didn't.  But I wish I had.

And for those who didn't live through that period in our history, way back when, Black folks got a few extra points over White folks on their civil service exams just to give them a "leg up."  To make it easier for them to beat out the Whites for Gubmint jobs.  In other words, "to penalize those who had no guilt, to benefit those who had no merit."  

But for those of you who haven't yet delved deeply into this whole "DEI" concept, I'll help you get your arms around it by steering it toward a logical course:  


Let's start with a couple of factoids:

     -  White Americans comprise some 71% of America's population of a "reported" 331 million souls.  

(I say "reported," because with 300,000 flooding across our Open Southern Border every month, there's probably somewhere around 20 or 30 million illegal aliens running around loose here.  But who's counting?  Apparently nobody.  Certainly not O'Biden and his gang of sycophants.) 

     -  And Black Americans come in at 13.7% of our population.  

(There would be a whole lot more of them were it not for Margaret Sanger.)

So how come 70.4% of all the players in the National Basketball Association are Black?  And only 17.1% are White?  And even though our population is 18.9% Hispanic, only 3.1% are in the NBA?  

Shouldn't the distribution of players in the NBA equal our distribution of races here in America?  Isn't that what "DEI" is all about?

Aren't they, the "Progressive" Left, supposed to deliver us some of that "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" in sports?  Or do they refuse to practice what they preach?

Of course, in order to achieve the Equity and Diversity they so adamantly seek, they could simply proscribe a limit on the number of each race to permitted to play the game of football, for example.  Or basketball.  For "equity" and "diversity," doncha' know...

After all, they're permitting 6' 5," 245 lb. men to swim against 5' 2" women for national championships, for "inclusion," doncha' know.  

Or maybe just "spot" the team whose players fall under a certain average height, or weight, a certain number of points in order to correct historical "disparities."  You know, the disparity that Black folks are just plain taller and bigger and heavier than White folks, for example...

And BTW, just to prove I'm not a racist, no matter how difficult it is to prove a negative, I'm willing to submit to those same racial and quota limitations on hockey, horseshoes, skiing, Formula 1, rodeo and chess.  

And writing incisive, cohesive, intelligent and well-reasoned blog postings, like this one.

Now then, I don't want to hear from anyone saying that perhaps Black folks make up the supermajority of players in the NBA because they're, ummm, maybe, ummm, 


Nah.  Wouldn't fit the victim mentality.  The "woe is me," perennial victim mentality so prevalent among those "Progressives."

And maybe, as we head out the digital door, we should talk about the fact that the mayors of the 14 most populous cities in America are Black?  New York City and Lost Angeles and ChicaGO and Philly and New Orleans and San Franpoopco and so many others.  Perhaps there should be a quota in mayoralty races?  Proportionate to their melanin content as it compares to the national average, perhaps?      

So I guess Blacks will continue to have an armlock on football and basketball and being the mayors of very large, failing cities, and Whites will continue to have an armlock on skiing and rodeo and chess, and no changes will be made.

But that will not stop the hardasss Left from continuing to bitch about it.  Forever...  

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