Monday, September 25, 2023

You Throw a Pebble...

You throw a pebble into a verdant pool...


You may have heard that Jim Farley, Ford's CEO, was just asked about his company's prospects during the current United Auto Workers strike.  The first to impact all of the Big 3 in more than 40 years.

He said that accedeing to the Union's demands would bankrupt Ford.  The only company, BTW, he said, that didn't go BK during the meltdown of 2008 (he's right).  

Additionally he added that Ford will lose more than $4.3 BILLION dollars from its Government-mandated electric car foray just this year alone.  And that it loses as much as $63,000 on every electric car it sells.  Which, BTW, is the exact same price as Ford's electric car they call a Mustang.     


(Memo to Farley:  If you like to making money, stop selling stuff upon which you lose money.  Just sayin'...)

Ford is far ahead of GM or Stellantis on Plug-In-Electrics, but that's not saying much.  They're all struggling.  Struggling to stop making the cars they've been making for more than 100 years, and start making cars with a yet-to-be-proven market demand.

Whilst competing with Tesla, a company with a decade-long head start, and is also NON-UNION!


How did all that happen?  Boy Guv Newsom decided one day to issue a pronunciamento, proclaiming that no gas-powered cars shall be sold in Taxifornia after date-certain 2030.  

Why that date?  Well why not?  For uber-liberals, anything is possible.  Or in this case, IMpossible.  It seems that being an ideologue enables one to simply circumvent the laws of both physics and science.

New Yawk's unelected Guv quickly followed suit.  As did the Portly Puke Guv from Illinois.  With emephasis on the "Ill."  And Delaware.  And Maryland.  And on, and on...

So the automakers had no choice but to make a hard turn to port and start making overgrown golf carts.  Which each require some 17 pounds of lithium.  A rare earth we don't have so very much of.  But China does.  Lots and lots of it.  And China and Joe O'Biden are reeeeel close, if you know what I mean.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has assured us that we are sitting on more than 900 years worth of oil.  Enough oil to power us, and even the World, well into the future.  Without "help" from the Saudi oil shieks or autocrats in Russia or the socialists in Venezuela.  

And oh by the way, our electricity generation capability is well below the demands our dummmass politicians are placing upon it.  Most of our electric infrastructure was built back in the 50's and hasn't been updated yet.

So why does Boy Guv want to destroy the auto industry and bring them into bankruptcy and the Nation into a recession?  Knowing as he must that Plug-In-Electrics consume 90% fewer parts and take 40% less manufacturing labor than gas powered cars?  Because he thinks Oil Bad, Windmill Good?  Yeah, that, and because he didn't have the mental horsepower to think through his actions.  And he's never been called to task for those same awful actions.  

A disease that afflicts nearly every Democrat politician.

So why is Farley and other Detroit CEO's bitching and moaning?  Because O'Biden dumped $6.5 TRILLION DOLLARS into our economy in 2021.  That caused Jimmy Carter-era inflation for the first time in more than 40 years.  And what did that do?

Lemme' see here.  Four years ago the min wage in Taxifornia was $11.50.  Today?  It's now $20.00.  With no time for the hundreds of thousands of businesses that were given no chance to adapt (75% of our economy is small business).  

And how about Brown?  UPS drivers earned about $100,000 a year two years ago.  They just negotiated a raise to $175,000 for full-timers.  Tell that to your son or daughter in college racking up student loans, so they can become a teacher.  And earn $65,000 a year.  The UAW is on strike now.  I suspect there will be many other strikes to follow.  Likely throwing our economy into recession.  Or worse.  All because a bunch of faculty lounge Yale weenies decided one day that Oil Bad, Windmill Good.  That we're all going to die in a fiery Hell because SUV bad, horsey good.


A pebble is thrown into a quiet pool.  The concentric rings that flow outward therefrom may, and often do, cause unintended consequences... 

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