Friday, September 8, 2023

How About 30?

I believe I mentioned that my older brother got 5 years in a reformatory for boys for having committed the heinous crime of...petty theft.  $167.00.  One time.  Only.  He was 16, asked a raise, didn't get it and acted out.  And got 5 "up the river" for his indiscretion.  First offense.  Way back when they actually meted out punishment if you did something bad.  

And like they should start doing again...

I can't remember a single mass murderer lately where he/she/it/they didn't have 40 or 50 prior arrests.  For burglary, even.  Or carjacking.  Or domestic violence.  Armed robbery.  Serious crimes, treated unseriously.  Because arresting these perpetrators is a waste of time.  They're out before the cops can finish the booking.  Because the inmates are now running the asylum.  And our society is coming apart at the seams...

More than 70 million of our citizens are living under the reign of George Soros bought-and-paid-for district attorneys.  

Soros has spent more than $400,000,000 of his ill-gotten wealth* to try and turn America into a socialist workers paradise.  And the result is half of America's mothers don't know whether their children will come home tonight in a body bag.  Or whether they come home at all.  The only way to change this is to vote the bastards out, but nobody comes to the polls anymore in Big Blue Cities except hard-core Leftists.  And they apparently vote how their ward heelers tell them to.  Example:  I'ts been 68 years since any of Chicago's 31 Assemblymen has been a Republican.  Nor the Mayor.  Sad.   

So it seems punishing those who break the law is passe.  We just don't do that anymore.  In our more liberal precincts, we don't punish them at all!  And so a lifetime of "Don't do that again," And TV psychologists telling you not to spank your kids, has resulted in ever-greater crimes, and ever-greater harm to the community.  I know.  I'm trained in psychology.

I remember stuffing a Superman comic book down my pants when I was about 10.  They called my mom.  That was the worst punishment they could ever mete out.  She unleashed the fires of Hell upon me.  And I never, ever did the five-finger discount thing again, nor did I ever do anything illegal (for which they caught me) again.  

But my fellow citizens?  They aren't following my lead.  They're robbing, and stealing, and mugging, and carjacking all day and all night.  And when they're caught?  A George Soros-installed D.A. will choose not to prosecute and they'll be home before the arrest paperwork is filed.  And boy, does it piss off the cops!  The ones who remain, after that "defunding" thing.    

The fools.

That's one of the main reasons the cops are bolting the Big Blue Cities.  Lost Angeles is down 1,000 cops from its police, and 870 from its Sheriff's Dept.  New Yawk City is down more than 800.  Portland is down 500, and they only had 1,500 to start with.  Back when their citizens obeyed the law and crime was near nonexistent.  Back before the Liberal Loons took over the city councils.  Back before those same folks decided shooting heroin and living on their streets was quite alright.  Freedom to choose, and all that.  Back when the cops came when you called.  Quickly.  Ahhh, yes.  Ancient history.  

Now?  The average response times to a 911 call is now more than 30 minutes!  And as we all know, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.  Is the city council being made to pay?  Not yet, it appears.  Maybe they're too busy hiding under their beds.

Anyway, I'm suggesting right in front of God and everybody that we declare 30 prior arrests as the Magic Number.  The number that triggers your ticket and sends you off to Rikers.  Or maybe Leavenworth.  The number it takes for them to finally get serious and...


Did you know that if you removed the murder rates from our 50 Biggest Bluest Cities from America, our Country would be the safest on Earth?  That's 'cause in those Big Blue Cities they're shooting each other!  And we want them to stop!

Pull a gun out of your pants in any Wal-Mart in Texas and you'll be opened up like a can of tuna.  Pull a gun out of your pants in a Wal-Mart in Portland and the other shoppers will faint.  That's what we call a conditioned reflex.  Like white rats in a Skinner Box.  Don't know what a Skinner Box is?  Look it up.  We trained psychologists used them all the time.

Time to choose, America.  How will you have it?  

It's time for a divorce.  A national divorce.  Here's some stuff to think about.  Europe is the same size as America.  Europe has 50 countries.  America has 50 states.  Were it not for our becoming a Representative Republic we might well be like Europe.  With 50 countries.  Each with its own set of laws and rules and regulations.  Just like our states do today.  Think about that for a minute...   

You get what you vote for, America.  You get what you pay for.  You get what you deserve...

*    George Soros is a Hungarian-born Jew, who grew up in the WW2 years.  He's reputed to have helped the Nazis locate his fellow Jews at the age of 5, so there's that.  What's known for sure is that he's a brilliant economist, and proved it by nearly bringing down the Bank of England in the 80's with an illegal currency play.  He was prosecuted, convicted and jailed.  He was later ushered out of Europe with the warning to never come back.  So he took his crooked $Billions to the U. S. of A.  He has a nice compound on the South Shore of Long Island, N.Y.  His plan?  Install commies as D.A.'s in our Biggest Bluest Cities, so they will simply stop prosecuting felonies.  He did it.  And they have.  And it's killing America...

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