Saturday, September 23, 2023

Doubling Down...

It seems to me a politician would have to hate a state, or a county, or a city one Hell of a lot to impose rules, regulations and laws that would surely sound its death knell.

Especially after its politicians had discovered those same laws and rules and regulations were destroying those cities.

Like has happened and is happening to Chicago.  And Austin.  And Portland.  And Seattle.  And New York.  And Baltimore.  And Los Angeles.  And so many, many others.

But perhaps most of all, San Francisco.

San Francisco was perhaps the most beautiful city in America.  I know.  I lived there during the 70's.  And loved its quirky, cosmopolitan, Bohemian, offbeat nature.

Now?  It's proof-positive that Left-wing stupidity is on NEON display for all to see.  But only those availing themselves of such truths, are choosing to see.  Those choosing to view "Corporate Media" are thus protected from learning just how incompetent and often evil their elected representatives can truly be.

A previously safe, serene and beautiful city is now so dirty and scary and crime-ridden that its residents don't go out after dark.  They no longer send the police when your car is broken into.  Which happens more than 60 times a day.  The City just chooses to pay for it out of tax money.  And since they "defunded their police," they just don't seem to have enough of those critters now to send.  

And it's also cheaper that way, they say...

One has to step over piles of human feces to enter tony Union Square restaurants.  Places where you can easily drop $50.00 on a tuna salad sandwich, assuming you don't get "dropped" on the way in or out.  

And assuming you wish to step around or over drug addicts to do so.  Which fewer and fewer these days...are.

But that's okay.  Those same Left-wing Democrats who voted to permit this stuff. keep on doubling down!  They'll vote for it over and over, again and again until it works.  

So help them...makes no matter...whoever's in charge.  

So far San Francisco has lost more than 65,000 of its 400,000 residents.  With more to go, and soon.  By overdose or by U-Haul trailer.  Because the people in charge of punishing law-breakers...simply aren't.  And so law-breaking is in full flower.  Homo Sapiens Sapiens has known for hundreds of thousands of years that failure to punish law-breaking...gets you more law-breaking.  

Except if you're a Democrat lawmaker.  They don't seem to know anything.  And are incapable of learning...

So hey, I'm safe and secure, ensconsed as I am in here in Fortress Chuckmeister.  Surrounded by firearms and loads and loads of ammunition.  Safe from the millions and millions of illegal aliens who want to live...where I live.  So yeah, no problems here.  But my friends and neighbors who weren't Eagle Scouts or Army Rangers are just now discovering that the sh*t they voted for expecting never to actually confront, they're now confronting.*  In spades (can I still say that?).  

And they don't know how to cope with it.

Too bad, so sad.  File it under sh*t happens.  And one day soon it'll be happening to them.  Up close and personal.  And I simply cannot wait.

BTW, I'm giving lessons on self-defense and survival here at the Fortress every M-W-F at 10:00 sharp.  Limited seating.  $250.00 in gold bullion.  Or maybe Swiss Francs.  'Murican money ain't no good here.  O'Biden keeps on printing it until it's lost its value.  Just gold.  Or silver, maybe.  Or Francs.  Or precious stones.  Or some collector cars.  Not all of them, mind  you, no Fords (I hate Fords!), but many of them.  We'll talk.

And RSVP quickly.  If not, the price is surely to go up, as Bidenflation guarantees.  And don't call me Surely.  Heh, heh.

Have a prepared day...

*    As NYC's Mayor Eric Adams about that...

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