Thursday, September 21, 2023

Weather? Or Climate?

Ever wonder what the difference could possibly be between the "Climate" and the "Weather?"  

        The "Climate" is what you expect,

          the "Weather" is what you get...

In fact, is "WEATHER" is what conditions in our atmosphere averages over a short period of time, and "CLIMATE" is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods.  

In effect, "Climate" is the long-term average of short-term "Weather."  

Got it?

Yes indeed, fellow Patriots, I've investigated this matter to a fair-thee-well so you don't have to, and the above statement is all you need to know; the Climate is what you expect to happen tomorrow, and the Weather is what you'll actually wind up with tomorrow.  Period.  You may now go on to something more important in your life, and God knows, almost anything you choose would be more important.

                                + + + + +

Still here?  Okay.  For those like me with nothing else important to do, here's a PhD in "Climate Chaos"* for free:

The climatologists and meterologists and high-priced TV presenters all get together at a pricey 8-star hotel and kick the matter around.  They actually collect all the data for, say, September 21st, and all the September 21st'sts that have gone before the one today.  And from that historical evidence they can deduce what's likely to occur.  I guess we'll find out who's right...  

Will there be a hurricane?  There have been hurricanes on this date, so maybe another one?  How about hail?  Or snow?  A heat wave?  Maybe a tornado or two?  Or three or four?  All that has happened on this date, and could happen again.  Will it be hotter than expected, or colder (CLIMATE)?  We have a hundred years of history about September 21st at our disposal, as well as the "Farmer's Almanac."   Which, because it collects copious amounts of data (CLIMATE), it almost always correctly predicts the "WEATHER."  And so they, and we, can predict what this September 21st will likely bring.  And that's the definition of...ready for it?  "CLIMATE."

Now then, the next September 21st rolls around and...voila!  We'll have "WEATHER!"  

Is the Earth getting warmer?  Seems so.  According to data from the National Weather Service, the Earth's temperature has risen by an average of 0.14 degrees F (0.08 degrees C.) per decade since 1880.  That's a Grand Total of...ready for it? 

            2 Degrees Fahrenfriggenheit.  

And is the Sky Falling?  Will so-called "Climate Change" kill us all?  No!  Lemme' remind you of our citizenry born after about 1980, who believe that everything important has happened only to them!  On August 27th, 1900 the "Great Galveston Hurricane" was visited upon those unfortunate citizens.  A Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of more than 145 miles per hour hit Galveston.  A saltwater storm surge up the Mississsippi River from the Gulf of Mexico of more than 16 feet hit the town, and kept hitting it for more than 15 hours.  It is credited with the largest death toll in American history, taking some 8,000 from their families.  

     And that was more than 120 years ago.

And oh yeah, there have been 10 other major, humongous, super-nasty, awful, horrendous and people-killing storms in the past 100 years.  10 others like Katrina.  And I remind you, there were very few SUV's and Gulfstream 5's back a Century ago.

So everybody who didn't already know that stuff just shut the Hell up.  Especially all you folks who keep bitching about "Climate Chaos."  

I say it's a good thing the Earth is getting warmer, BTW.  More people die from freezing to death every year than from heatsroke.  So, turn in your Tesla for a Corvette and go do some donuts in the police department parking lot.  And stop trying to sell us this horsesh*t.  We ain't buying...

*    This whole thing started with "Global Warming" a decade ago.  Then it morphed into "Climate Chaos," with lots of stops in between.  And none of them feed the bulldog.  And you can take that to the bank... 

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