Tuesday, December 6, 2022

"The Twitter Files"

According to Mr. Elon Musk, the Man of the Hour, every time Republicans believe they've finally got Democrats by the short hairs, the reviled "MainStreamMedia" refuses to report it, and it goes unnoticed.  By fully half the population.

You read that right.

Because fully half the population, led by 20,000,000 Americans who gather their information only via broadcast outlets.  From  ABC/NBC/CBS/NPR/PBS and all the Liberal print publications across the Fruited Plain.  While only 3 or 4 Conservative outlets are left to do battle for the soul of the Nation.  Against all odds.  

And lose.

BTW, don't you find it interesting that our MSMedia, plus the "Big Tech" Silicon Valley social media outlets, are treating Sam Bankman-Freid, the shorts-wearing crook who stole several $Billion Dollars of his investors money in this decade's single largest Ponzi scheme, while reviling Musk unmercifully, who used $44 Billion of his own money to buy Twitter?  With the sole given reason of returning Free Speech to the American People?*

And yes, I specialize in longish sentences.

The Twitter Files, which Musk just revealed, have proven something we've long suspected; the FBI and the CIA are compromised.  They are now declared tools of the Democrat National Committee, and should be treated as such.  

I was hoping the last Election would deliver some relief from this tyranny.  It didn't.  The "why" is not for now.  There will be time for that later.  As for now, I suggest it's up to us to focus on our families and friends, to keep them safe during the coming conflagration.  The scourge of O'Biden-caused inflation, the war on energy, the demand that everything, everything be seen through the prism of race.  Continuing to do so will surely destroy our Nation.

As Musk has said, "If you scratch a modern Liberal, you'll uncover a fascist."

If you haven't purchased personal protection, I'd advise you do so before the gang in charge find a way to deprive you of your 2nd Amendment Rights, just as they have your 1st.

In the "Art of War," Sun Tzu advised, "In time of peace, prepare for war."

I believe that war has already begun...

*  Maybe we should start a GoFundMe page for Musk...

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