Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Sucker is Born Every Minute...

Do you know what the #1 selling car in California was last month?

No?  Well, it was a Tesla16.1% of all the cars sold here in Taxifornia in November were Teslas.  And you can just imagine how many more Bolts, and Ionic5's, and M-B ESQ's were added to that number of plug-in electric cars.  

No, not hybrids, like the Prius, but full-on, plug-in's. 

I wonder if they're aware that Natural Disasters still occur?  On a semi-regular basis, as it happens.  Just a day or so ago a 6.4 earthquake hit just off the coast of Fernwood, CA.  Just north of San Franpoopco.  And it knocked out the power to 70,000 households.  No electricity.  None.  That would mean that nobody there could charge up their bloated golf carts.  Which means they couldn't get out of town.  Which means they're overpriced cars were worthless. 

And worth...less.  

I'm guessing they would trade their $100,000 cars with 2,000 pounds of batteries for a good used Toyota "gas guzzler" if they could.  Or a Nissan.  Or a Honda.  Or anything else that runs on good ol' gasoline.*  

You know, that stuff we have a 900 year supply of, right under out feet.  

But you know what we don't have?  A good, functional and fully prepared electricity generation system.  Did you know that 53% of the power to run our electric plants comes from coal?  Did you know that less than 10% comes from wind and solar?  And we have to import most of that from out of state!  

And did you know that the price to charge your electric car at a Wal-Mart or gas station has now reached parity with the cost of gasoline?  Google it if you doubt me...

And did you know that our electricity generation power companies spend more than 33% of their entire annual budgets just on repair and maintenance?  Perhaps because our power lines and phone poles were all installed back in the 1950's?  What we don't have is one that's up to date, and ready to provide unlimited power to charge up these folks' cars.  The ones who were dumb enough to buy these cartoonish buggies in the first place.  For twice the price of a regular, everyday gas-powered car. 

Seems like a sucker is still born every minute.  Of every single day...  

*  Me and my gas-guzzler will play "Uber" for $20.00 a mile.  Call me...

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