Friday, December 23, 2022

My Christmas Gift to You...

I've been pretty bummed out since the Election.

Yep, I was sure America could withstand a couple of years of the O'Biden Administration's best efforts to destroy the U. S. of A.  And God knows, he's tried.  His very best.  God only knows...

But I was kind of assuming that America would vote these criminals out before our total destruction.  I was wrong.  Because half of us don't have any idea what's going on because we don't care to watch the right news channels.  And they don't seem to care...

Nope, the idiots who voted against their own best interests and returned these fools to power for at least another two years. And I'm not all that sure we'll make it 'til then...

As you who read this unassuming little blog regularly know, we're facing the highest inflation rate in more than 50 years.  The threat of war from China, North Korea and Russia looms on the horizon.  The cost of gas and electricity is so high folks cannot afford them.  Social Media is doing its best to deprive us of our Constitutional Rights, while the Leftists applaud.  Big City D. A.'s aren't prosecuting the crooks, and the crooks are running amok.  "Wokeism" and transgenderism have polluted our society.  The homeless are shi*ting in the streets of Lost Angeles and San Franpoopco, and 300,000 of the more intelligent Californians have moved out.*  And the O'Biden Administration is trying its hardest to illegally import many more millions of new (presumed) Democrat voters, and ship them all across our Fruited Plain at the taxpayers' expense.    

Taxpayers like you and me.

And our poor Border Guards are babysitting illegal babies...literally... at our Southern Border, while poisonous drugs are flowing in unabated.  The cartels are making $Billions, and O'Biden gives them the Green Light. 

Makes one wonder: is Hunter Biden and his daddy getting a share of the cartel's revenue? 

And in case you hadn't been watching Fox News, we lost some 107,000 of our people to Fentanyl in the past year, more even than from the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, and the O'Biden's are happy about it.  They must be.  They could stop it, but they haven't.  

In short, we're in the worst situation I've ever seen, and I don't anticipate it getting better any time soon.

So what's my Christmas Gift to you?  I've found the secret to improving my outlook, and yours:  

Simply do what half the uninformed population of our once-Great Country does; don't watch Fox News!  

That's it.  Just close off your mind to reality.  Don't find out that we've "welcomed" more than 7,000,000 illegal aliens!  Oh yeah, and another 1,000,000+ "gotaways."  Terrorists, much?  And don't find out that crime rates are through the roof!  And try not to learn that your FBI and your CIA and your NSA and the Silicon Valley commie $Billionaires are spying on you, and manipulating the information you receive.  And that it's all being done with the express approval and consent of the Democrats in the Swamp.  And several turncoat Republicans, too!

And let's not forget to remember that Mr. O'Biden is a serial liar.  Every time he stands before you and opens his mouth, lies come tumbling out.  He's good at it.  He ought to be, he has more than 50 years' experience at it...

We know the folks that watch CNN(LOL), and MSPMS, and NPR, and PBS, and the Alphabets (ABC/NBC/CBS), and plenty of FB and Instagram and TikTok, have no idea what's going on, and they don't care!  So why should we?  They're happy, we could be too!  I say we should join them!

So, like they say, ignorance is bliss!  Just refuse to learn the facts and you'll be happy as a clam!  

Oh yeah, and buy yourself a nice, shiny new firearm while you're at it.  Preferably one fitted to you and your individual needs by your friendly local gun dealer.  And trust me, they'll be happy to do it.  It doesn't have to be a .45 like I prefer.  It could be a nice 9mm, or a .38 Special, or even a nice 12 ga. shotgun.  But hurry up, Title 42 will expire in the next few days and the illegal alien rabble crossing our Border will double!  Double!  From the current 8,000 - 10,000 a day, to... 

18,000 - 20,000, Every Single day!  

That's a brand new Albuquerque every single month!  Another Oklahoma City!  Another Wichita, Kansas!  Another Colorado Springs!

So, fellow Patriots, you could give up just like I have.  Just ignore the fact your Country has gone to sh*t and learn to love ignorance!

That's my Christmas Gift to you!  And make it a Very Merry One!  

*  CA is the #1 State for out-migration.  We should join them...        

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