Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Ice Cream Sundaes, Every Day!

There's one important thing that you and I have available to us that the uber-rich Pharoahs of ancient Egypt did not have.  Nor did Henry the VIII-th.

And that would be...Ice Cream!  

Yes, you and I can partake in the delights of that frozen concoction anytime we wish.   All day and all night if we wish.  Yet, Seti the 1st, and Akhenaten, and Ramses II, and the very young Tutenkamun, and even good ol' Henry, would never have imagined what they were missing;


And I'm talking several scoops, lots of sprinkles, tons of chocolate and caramel topping, both, with a dollop of whipped cream, for good measure!

When's the last time you saw the word dollop?  Yeah, thank me very much.

Now then, for all of you who might feel sorry for me because I'm an old retired guy, with an unpronounceable disease, cease that counterproductive behavior!  Focus on the important things!  Simply buy ice cream, and eat it everyday!  Like I do!  

In fact, I now have an ice cream sundae after every single meal!  Even breakfast!  Two eggs, crisp bacon, lots of hash browns and a couple of slices of nice, fresh sourdough toast.  Followed by an ICE CREAM SUNDAE!  


But wait, Mr. Chuckmeister, don't you have to worry about your wasteline?  No, I do not.  I no longer have a waistline.  I DO have a hunger for ice cream sundaes that has displaced it!

So, fellow Patriots, I can recommend Baskin-Robbins' Jamoca Almond Fudge hot fudge sundaes, if you need some help.  Reeeely yummy!  Or just buy some rocky road or caramel swirl and bring it home.  Easier that way.  And then you can begin to do what I do; pay less attention to your meal and start paying more attention to your desert!  

So stop worrying about our outrageous inflation, or the invasion of unvetted illegal aliens at our southern border, or the 87,000 new, heavily armed IRS agents who will pick you clean, and just focus on your next ICE CREAM SUNDAE! 

Yes, I know you never thought of it before.  That's why God put me here.  And as an early Christmas present, I've offered you this free advice.  Take in the spirit in which it was offered, and have the Happiest of Holiday Seasons.  Heavy on Merry Christmas!

You're welcome...

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