Thursday, December 15, 2022

A Broken Promise...

I'm sure Brittany Griner's family and friends are happy to have her home.  I'm sure everybody is.  

Nearly everybody, that is.

Except for the 1,700,000 active duty military serving in 165 stations in more than 50 countries around the world, that is.  I'm sure they are uniformly against her early return.  

And the 1,300,000 veterans of Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Marines and the Coast Guard who have served us honorably, that is.  Count them as also against this outrage.

And all of their moms and dads, and brothers and sisters, and aunts and uncles, and cousins both local and those who live far away, that is.  Which totals millions and millions and millions of Americans who know that our elected "leaders" made a terrible, and avoidable, mistake.  Unless it wasn't a mistake.  Perhaps it was done on purpose, just to piss off those millions and millions of Americans who love America and its military and want to protect it.     

You see, what those in charge of "The Swamp" either don't know, or don't care, is that America has had an unwritten but iron-clad rule since the founding of our Country more than 240 years ago.  And that rule is:

We bring home those unfairly held overseas in the order in which they were captured.  

That ruling was so well established that our own John McCain refused to be released early from the Hanoi Hilton.  The Viet Cong wished to gain a P.R. advantage from releasing the son of a Flag Admiral then commanding an American warship.  He wouldn't play their game, and he wound up being held for another two and one-half years of hard labor until all our other soldiers and airmen were brought home, en masse.

So you can understand that bringing Griner home is laudable, but intentionally bargaining for her release before Paul Whelan was beyond contempt.  Even the Russians know it was ridiculous.  We can't blame a female basketball player for knowing she was being used to diminish America's standing in the world, but we can blame the miserable fools who infest the White House who orchestrated this outrage. 

Remember when "Mrs." Obama stated she was finally proud of her Country?  And it took her "husband" getting elected POTUS for her to express that opinion?  Well Mrs. Obama, I can say that for the very first time I'm truly disgusted with my Country.

Just another reason why other countries around the world are laughing at us.  Just another reason why they don't trust us any more.  Just another reason why our military members know they can no longer rely on our civilian leadership.  

Since it appears we can't vote them out of our lives, it's time to figure another way...

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