Thursday, December 8, 2022


So lemme' see here...

California, a State which never permitted slavery, is taxing those who never owned slaves, to give the money to people who never were slaves.


Yup, you read that right.  Not just some money, lots of and lots of it!  $223,200 per Black resident!  However unlikely, you might have been one of those who studied history in school.  And thus you know that California entered the Union in 1850, long after the Civil War was over, and the slaves were freed.  

But hey, why focus on facts when we can steep in self-congratulatory "wokeness!"  Especially when somebody else has to pay for it!* 

I'm so happy I could slap yo' mamma!  That works out to more than $57 Billion Dollars, which, even in Joe O'Biden's once-Great America, that's a lotta' dough!  In fact, it's just about twice the once-Golden State's current annual budget!  

Wowzer, Batman!  What a deal!  Since you know I identify as Black (and also gay!), it's really convenient as the Commission's recommendations call for this pot of money to be given only to those who identify as Black!  That's the only requirement the Commission demands!  Self-identification.  

What could possibly go wrong?

So I've got my list of things to buy already written down.  Starting with that Bentley I've always wanted.  How about you?  Do you identify as Black also?  You might as well.  There's a whole buncha' dough to be shared from this dumbass, failed State.  Sponsored by our dumbass, failed Boy Guv, a guy who was born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple.  This means San Fran Nan's little nephew will have to scrounge some extra cash outta' those feeelthy rick folks!  And by the time it figures out it has seriously screwed the pooch, it'll be too late.  CA will find out just how many Black people it really has.  And it'll also find out how few taxpayers there are left here to pay the freight.

What's that sound you hear?  It's the roll-up door on the U-Haul trucks as they prepare to head East down the I-10.  For anywhere else.  ANYWHERE ELSE!

Well, at least we'll still have Harry and Meghan.  At least there's that...

As I've long predicted, it shant be too long before there's no one left here in Taxifornia but sign twirlers and Starbucks baristas.  And quite possibly damn few of them...

*  CA voters just bumped the income tax rate on the "rich" by another 3.1% on Election Day, increasing it to 16.1% over and above Federal guidelines of 37%.  Considering that half our population pays NO income taxes, I wonder when the "rich" are going to be forced to pay their "fair share?"    

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