Tuesday, October 11, 2022

"Who Could Possibly Want This?"

I had one of "those" conversations with a daughter one cannot possibly have until they're fully baked.  As in grown up completely.  With a career, a family, a mortgage, and a big tax bill every year she must pay to support those in our society who choose not to work.  

In this case the daughter is my eldest, and perhaps most beautiful (her sisters likely disagree), and exceedingly smart.  And the scales have been sufficiently removed from her eyes that she now knows she doesn't know everything.  And needs to learn.  From those without bias.  Not including our so-called "MainStreamMedia."  So she seeks knowledge wherever she can find it.  And sometimes from her dear old Dad.

We talked about the state of America today.  What's running right, and what's running wrong.  And that we're only a month or so out from the Mid-Term Elections.  And what that meant to us, her family and me.  And America.  

And what it means if the Republicans win the House, or maybe even the Senate, and what if they don't.

We talked about the rapid escalation in the cost of everything.  Food, fuel, baby formula.  Everything!  And how just two short years ago we had none of those problems.  We had a level of abundance the rest of the world envied.  And that her vote, and the vote of her friends and neighbors, could bring back some sanity to our miserable little lives.

Remember, I told her, the Democrat Party is and has been in complete control of all three branches of Government: the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.  So whatever you dislike, you know who to blame.  

My eldest daughter is a product of our liberal State and education system.  She's been taught to like what we're all seeing as unlikeable.  And she's rebelling.  Enough so that she's watching podcasts, from both the Left and the Right, and beginning to form her own opinions.  What a concept!  Like so many other liberal-trained and -fed Taxifornians, she's beginning to see the Light.  That's with a capital "L."    

And she was blunt in was blunt in her assessment after having surveyed the carnage of just two years of living under Liberal, "Progressive" management: 

       "Who could possibly want this?"  

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