Monday, October 3, 2022

Letting the Animals Out of their Enclosures...

America's 1,566 state and 102 Federal prisons do a pretty fair job of incarcerating our most violent, dangerous and predatory criminals.  

On top of that, our 21,850 local jails, 1,510 juvenile detention centers, 186 immigration facilities, 82 Indian county jails, numerous military prisons, more than 100 psychiatric hospitals and various commitment centers try to keep those on their way to the Gray Bar Hotel...out.

But as we know, they do a particularly bad job of it.  We have nearly 2,000,000 Americans cooling their heels in prisons in every state and protectorate.  For crimes ranging from selling an eight-ball of snort to the truly outrageously outrageous and heinous.  

And you might be surprised to learn that 45.1 % of them are imprisoned for narcotics-related offenses.

Let that sink in.  If we made drugs retroactively legal, a million prisoners who mainly just want to abuse drugs and kill themselves would flow into the streets, tomorrow.

But I'm led from all this data to the real point of my screed.  My psychology professor way back in college, one Dr. Earle Grey, PhD, once told me to always remember the "5% Rule."  And that is, "Fully 5% of everybody you meet is bat sh*t crazy." 

5% of those you meet coming at you on the highway are nuts.  5% of the folks behind you in line at MickeyD's are certifiable.  5% of those sitting next to you at the theater should be locked up for their own good, and your.  And as we've seen, riding the subway in NYC lately means taking your life in your own hands.  

That's 5% of everyone you meet.  Except maybe sometimes they choose to just kill you, and other times, perhaps not.  Dr. Grey wasn't trying to be funny.  And he wasn't.  

But Dr. Grey's presumption, carrying the imprimatur of his exalted professorship, has had an important impact on my life.  I've sort of walked through it with my hand on my wallet, but also fully armed for any threat that might appear.

And I mean by that, "fully armed."

You know, as the "Art of War" plainly admonishes, "In times of peace, prepare for war."

Just turn on cable news (which, BTW, is the only place you'll see it).  Not a day goes by where you won't witness some weirdo stab a nun, or a gang destroy a convenience store just for the fun of it, or a guy getting carjacked and shot for his friggin' watch.  Even Eric Villalobo, the Sheriff of Lost Angeles County, has advised his 8,000,000 citizens not to go down town to shop.  (!)  And if they must, he advises, they should take off all their jewelry and Uber-it.  Leave the Bentley at home, he says.  

Have you ever heard anything like that?  Is this Caracas?  Baghdad?  

So what continually amazes me is that fully 70,000,000 of our citizens live in cities ruled by District of Attorneys bankrolled into office by that international felon and thief, George Soros.*  They're the ones that believe "No Cash Bail" is a good idea.  And they're the ones who are responsible for the alarming increase in Big City crime.  They let gangsters out of jail before the cops get through with their booking papers, and do their best to disarm us all so we can't protect ourselves.

Every sociologist (I'm one of those also) will tell you that once you let the animals out of their enclosures, it's damned tough to get them back in.  And in this context, once our lesser souls lose their fear of retribution from the used-to-be-long arm of the law, it may never be possible to instill it once again.  

Now that we've "defunded the police," thank you all you "Progressives" out there, it's going to take a long, long, LONG, time before those with a predilection toward lawlessness will once again be afraid of the law.  I would guess decades.  And I would guess there will be a lot of innocent blood spilled between now and then.

Think about it...

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