Saturday, October 22, 2022

Elder Abuse...

My formal training in Clinical Psychology tells me that the people around President Joe O'Biden are guilty of elder abuse.      

Yes, yes they are.  Did you watch the press conference last Wednesday?  In it he struggled for the entire speech to read the words quite obviously written by someone else.  About a subject he quite obviously knows not a whit.  All while focusing his fading eyes, intently, squintingly, on the TelePrompTer so he wouldn't make any (more) flubs.  

As he flubbed, time, after time, after time...

It's plain he doesn't know what they're forcing him to read.  And that he hasn't read it before.  And that most alarmingly, he has no idea how capitalism works, else he'd rebuff their writings.  As so much claptrap.  As if written by sophomoric idealogues, trying to win an "A" from their poli sci prof.  

Face it:  Good ol' Joe has never signed a check on its face.  Or hired or fired anybody.  Never even run a 7/11.  He actually told the gathered reporters this week that the people who run the oil companies should shower their profits on those who gas up every day.  Instead of their shareholders.  As they are legally required to do.  And would get sued if they didn't.  And thrown in the Gray Bar Hotel.  It's called a "fiscal and fiduciary responsibility."  And everyone who handles money owned by others must be bound by those laws.  A fact that I'm sure would surprise him.  As he proves every time he opens his privileged mouth...

He told us that when the price of a barrel of oil goes down, the price of gas at your pump should go down as well.  Concomitantly.  Directly.  Instantly, I presume!  Is he aware that fully 95% of all the gas stations in America are owned by the moms and pops who run them?  Individual entrepreneurs who are trying to eke out a living at $0.05 cents a gallon profit, and having to sell hot dogs and potato chips on the side in order to do so?  The Big Oil companies sold their interests in gas stations back in the 90's so they couldn't be used as leverage against them like they're trying to do today.  

Big Oil doesn't set prices.  The energy market does.  And when the White House dumps millions of barrels of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve oil on it, meant for true emergencies, it only messes up normal supply lines.  And pisses off Saudi Arabia.  And reduces our chances of recovery the next time a hurricane knocks out the Louisiana refineries.  Which could happen before the end of this month...

I'm pretty sure, just by watching intently, that they've taken a crusty old, centrist-Democrat politician, who never had an original thought, but is now suffering from early onset dementia, and are trotting him out every day as if on que to spew out the crap they've conjured up behind the scenes.  Like an automaton.  An empty suit.  An avatar.  Jerry Mahoney to somebody's Paul Winchell (look it up).

Who's running our Country, again?

BTW, what they're doing to O'Biden is illegal, IMO.  It's called "Elder Abuse."  And Public Code 368 here in Taxifornia makes it a felony to abuse those over the age 65.  And Joe is waaaaay over the age 65.  And dragging him from place to place and making him say stuff and not letting him watch TV so he doesn't know what's happening, without even a nap, only for that damm ice cream cone is abuse!  I think we should say something to somebody about they way they're treating our President, don't you?   

I now know what O'Biden has to say, and I don't like it.  And most of America doesn't, either.  And they're going to express that opinion, loudly, come November 8th.  And O'Biden and his crowd will be the lamest of ducks for the next two years.  And the Republicans can begin to try and clean up the gigantic mess O'Biden has made.  But until then, I'd really like to know who's writing the words they're forcing him to read off that TelePrompTer?  

And is the ice cream cone they give him his only reward for reading the words verbatim without stamping his aging, Gucci-clad feet?  

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