Wednesday, October 5, 2022


You're gonna' have to help me here.  

The Maine Department of Education has just branded the term "MAGA" as a form of covert racism and White supremacy.


Now then, fellow 'Muricans, I need an interpreter.  I know that we're deep into "1984," where words no longer mean what they once did.  So I know "MAGA" means "Make America Great Again."  And nobody with America's best interests at heart could possibly be against that.  Could they?  And I would assume everybody wants to make, and keep, America great again.  'Cause it sure as Hell isn't so great right now.  Like my beautiful eldest daughter said to me last evening, "Who could possibly want what we now have?  

What's controversial about that?  

And "Republicans" are members of one of the two political parties here in 'Murica.  Those who studied "equity, inclusion and somethingorother" instead of civics may not know that.  The Republican Party believes in the Gubmint keeping its hands out of our pockets.  And in low taxes.  Just enough to do our business and keep us safe.  And a strong military to do just that.  And police on every corner where there's crime.  And to place, and keep, God in our forefront, always.

So surely "Republicans" can't be racist.  Or guilty of White supremacy.  That would be the Democrat Party.  Whose members formed and supported the Ku Klux Klan.  for almost a century.  And did their very best to keep Blacks from getting equal treatment under the law by voting in lockstep against the Civil Rights Act of 1962.   

But presumably knowing this (am I being too generous?), Maine's Democrat Guv Janet Mills is refusing to remove a taxpayer-funded video on her State's website that proclaimed "MAGA" as racist.

Other examples of alleged "covert" racist ideas which are blatanly listed on this, ummm, "enlightening" website included, "education funding from property taxes," "Columbus Day," "anti-immigration policies," "not challenging racist jokes," ""All Lives Matter," "racist Halloween costumes," and "assuming good intentions are enough,"


It kinda' makes one wonder if a bunch of policy wonks got together in the faculty lounge at Yale and jotted down all the reasons "MAGA" should not be tolerated in a polite society.  And they came up with those listed above.  But I can think of many others.  Many, many others...

How about "dirt?"  The Black slaves were forced to toil in the soil way back when, under the whips of their awful White slave owners, who were all Democrats, so we should now consider "dirt" racist.  

And how about chickens?  The Blacks have long been the butt of jokes about fried chicken.  So we should consider chickens racist.  Let's stop raising them and eating them.  Now!

And also no more mentions of the "Black Entertainment Channel" being racist, because there's no "White" one to go along with it.  I won't mention it if you don't.

So, fellow Patriots, another day, another outrage.  It makes one wonder exactly where these commie pinko dummass liberal weenies got infused with such far-out ideas.  Could it be that they're just scared s*itless over losing their power?  Of being forced to function under the authority of the opposite Party?  Losing sleep over it?

Remember what they say, "what goes around, comes around..."  

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