Thursday, October 13, 2022

When "Climate Change" Started...

Having given this a lot of thought, which is what I do, I've decided that "Climate Change" started on the very same day the Supreme Court decided we know longer needed to have our kids say the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools.  

That was on February 22, 1953.

I think it contributed to, and signaled a decline in, the general level and expression of faith in our Country.  And certainly in the Government's support for a show of faith, which it has always downplayed.  And should, perhaps.  

People need something greater than their puny selves to believe in.  That's my opinion, at least.  Perhaps you agree.  They need God, or Mohammed, or Budda, or "a god," or perhaps even just a carved stone monolith to believe in.  so, "Under God," in the Pledge, which is about as generic as you can get, in my opinion has been replaced with...

...the "Great God Climate Change!"

No longer is it "Global Warming."  Nope, they had to abandon that moniker once it was discovered the Earth wasn't warming sufficiently.  So they had to come up with something that worked no matter what Mother Nature chose to do.  They arrived at "Climate Change."  It gets warmer, the climate "changed."  It gets cooler, the climate "changed."  They've got it coming and going.  Pretty smart, eh?

It's the modern example of "Chicken Little."  The sky will certainly be falling (for the godless heathens), they tell us, and soon, unless we give them unlimited power, unlimited money, and relinquish our civil rights.  Just for awhile, they tell us.  Until they "fix" things and we can get "back to normal."  

I think those same words were spoken in gasthauses throughout Germany starting in about 1936.

So those with enough wealth and income to elevate themselves up from the flinty, daily fight for enough to eat, and enough warmth to keep body and soul together, are now choosing to obsess over a man-made problem.  No, not "Climate Change."  The obsessing over it.  Which is what the godless elite do for a living...

I submit that once we stopped believing in God, or "a" God, even, someone or something to smite us silly if we swerved off the straight and narrow, we became subject mentally and emotionally to any con man who offers up something bigger and better than ourselves to believe in. 

God, I love long sentences, don't you?

Like natives on a desert island who see a plane fly over and begin building monuments to it, some have now chosen to buy in to the falacy that our Earth will turn into a cinder block in 8, 10, or 12 years, take your pick.

I choose to simply ignore the lot of them.  They're a bunch of overeducated fools.  And they're breathing my air.  And they're messing up my Country!  The one I fought for!  Stop it! 

But they won't.  We're going to have to use the only socially-acceptable tool we have to wrest these commie fools from office.  In just a few short weeks.  And then we'll fumigate and try and get back to normal.

Golly gee, fellow Pilgrim, Gov. DeSantis' rebuilding project has nothing on ours.  He's got to rebuild a state.  We have to rebuild a country...

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The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!